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Books are the path to someone else's imagination. An escape from reality. A fantasy consisting of love, pain, betrayal, happiness. A story through which we forget about our pain and problems and get lost in someone else's pain. They motivates us to get through the pain. They are there with you at the bad times. comforting you with their words and inspiring you to believe that it's just a phase it will pass soon. As a famous scientist Carl Sagan said" A book is an atonishing thing, As we open a book we enter in the mind of another person maybe somebody dead for thousands of years. Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people who never knew each other. A book is  a proof that humans are capable of working magic." And i very well believe in every word said by him.

Last night I opened the same book once again. When I have nothing to read, I read this book. I sat near the window in my old rocking chair and started reading this wonderful creation. As I dived in it my room became blurry, I left behind my reality where there is nothing but hate, pain, and loneliness. I feel at peace whenever I read this book. I feel safe when I read about him. I get overwhelmed with emotions when I feel him near me and everyhere around me. With a great tragedy this book ended and it left me in sad tears as it ended so soon. 

The cold wind from the window again hit me hard as I closed the book. I was once again left in dark, cold and lonely blanket of despair. Why does it feels like someone just stabbed you in the guts when you close a book, it feels like the words are shouting the story is crying and characters are sad and the feeling of guilt just washes over you. But I always find my way back to this  book because of him.

I placed the book on my lap and picked up the stuff from the side table near me. A blindfold. I closed my eyes and put the blind fold around them and then tieing them at the back. I laid back on the chair trying to feel him around me I can hear him whispering from the book. The cold wind was blowing past me it was hitting my face and making a beautiful serene as it passes by my ears. I was feeling it all at once. The air, the book, my pain his pain, the sound of birds chirping at the distance. As if all of my senses were hightened. then I felt it, I felt him right near my ear whispering something which I couldn't make out. I felt him kneel down infront of me he was there, I could feel him he came here for me . He stole time cheated life and now he was there with me. He put his head on my lap over the book and started weeping, I could feel the heaviness in the atmosphere. He poured his pain sadness and betrayal. He was made to go through all this. He didn't deserved any of this. I was numbed by all these feelings and didn't realised when a tear just left my eyes and right on his face I guess as he instantly moved away cause I felt the weight lifting off my lap. 

He held my hand and I felt  a pair of lips touching the back of my hand. I could feel him getting up from his place as he was tugging at my hand to do so too. I placed my book on the side table and let him lead the way. He swirl me around and a horrible sound left my mouth, now I realised why the protagonist of the story gets embarrased after giggling. I felt safe and complete in his embrace. we were swaying left and right, I laughed, squeaked when he pulled me towards him suddenly.  I was happy and felt blessed at that moment.

We danced at my balcony the wind was cold but I was feeling so much warmth from within that I didn't mind the wind anymore. I wanted be just left there, I could dance with him for eternity. But my legs gave in and we both slumped at my bed lying side by side. Our breathing was heavy and in sync. I was smiling like an idiot. I have no idea if he was too, I wanted to see him but I decided against it because it is enough for me that I could feel him I don't want this to end. So for now I just lay near him, his breathing was back to normal but mine just kept on increasing. I was overwhelmed with love and happiness, for once I felt love and I just realised that, love gives you warmth from within.

I could also feel the sadness lingering at the back of my mind but I don't want to give it any attention. And after all of this moments I heard him say it. Now he was right near my ear and I heard him pronounce my name it kind of came out funnily from his mouth maybe the accent was at fault. But I liked that fault it was just perfect . His voice left me in pure bliss. He was about to say something. It felt like it was something important cause I felt the nervousness in his voice. but before he could say anything reality knocked at my door. 

And that was it the warmth was gone it once again replaced itself with coldness. I felt like everything just got stolen from me. I was still in the limbo swooning between the reality and the fantasy as I looked at my master dead in his eyes, this was the first time I met his eyes and it was dark very very dark. I knew that I have done a mistake cause I can still feel the consequences of that mistake on my body. 

But I don't care now, I had my share I finally felt it. I never knew I was ever be able to feel this emotion called love. It was amazing. 

Today when I went to put my book back on the book shelf I saw them, his tears were still on my book and that's when I felt that it was not my imagination . He was really here I don't know why the water didn't evapourated till now but I preserved them in a small bottle and hung it around my neck so that I can always feel the warmth of his touch .I don't know if he'll ever comback but ,I know till then my only source of love is this book and this bottle my one and only treasure.

Maybe not for long but him being here, near me even for a while is enough.

For a while, I left my reality and he left his fantasy and we danced together in the limbo blissfully in each other's embrace.

And once again my reality kicked in, as shoved this memory at the back of my mind as I sighed his name "Naz".


The guy mentioned here is IGNAZIO VITALE
I have deeply and completely fallen in love with him
He is a character from the book MONSTER IN HIS EYES.

Tell me
With which character from a book or movie you'll gladly switch roles. 😉😉

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