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Dear Diary,

It was dark, chilled and horrifying. I couldn't see anything, It was pitch black. I wish i could just run away from there far far away. He locked me there in the basement of my own house. It's had been two days. I never liked him but still I had to pretend because he was my mother's husband he was my stepdad. 

Till now i couldn't help but hate him and loath him, He made my life a living hell.

Two days passed, and I was still there in the basement . I was starving, alone, dirty and heartbroken. He took away everything from me.

You must be wondering where my mother was well she was not there. She was not coming to save me I knew she will never come to save me. I was sure that i would rot there for years and die. But you know she was just above me in living room lying on sofa cold and pale. She was dead, he killed her. I was uncertain if she was still there or he has dumped her somewhere. 

I never thought  I will come from the school one day and will see my mother lying on sofa in the pool of her own blood. How i just wished to remove that sight from my brain to erase that part? How i wished to just rip that bastard with my hands and let crows eat his flesh. But i didn't do anything i just stood there in the doorway frozen, and very easily i let him drag me to the basement. For hours i sat there numb. i couldn't think straight about what just happened, the only person i ever loved my only family my mother was dead.

I could not even keep my eyes open, they just wanted to close. my heart was in so much pain that it paied for it to even pump blood. I thought that was it. It just took him(god) two days and my mother's blood to kill me. I just wanted to end that phase and visit my mother and tell her I love her alot and how she was wrong with choice of men in her life.....

With that thought of meeting my mother i closed my eyes and went into deep slumber hoping that i would never wake up again..................... 

But he had another plan for me. God once again rolled the dice of my fate and here I am today telling you the most horrifying moment of my life.

God is predictably unpredictable.

But still i wish that i died that day cause without my mother there is nothing i can live for. seems like i have to wait and see what god has saved for me and why he grant me this life.

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