CH15. Josh's POV - Hold Back

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Chapter 15 – Josh's POV

Hold Back

I'm not getting played this time around. I'm not going to let her catch me by surprise. I'm done being the bottom.

This sounds a lot more problematic in my head than I had anticipated. I will never admit this out loud.

I am a pathetic man.

I hired a kid that's been staying in the downstairs room of my apartment building. Dylan. He's a nice kid, he just had it rough. I paid him to take care of my booth for the day, because apparently, I'm a hundred percent planning on making out with my Flea Market Girl and I'm so sure it's going to happen that I actually hired someone to look after my shit instead of worrying about leaving stuff unattended.

Am I creating a new form of prostitution here? Or it's more like babysitters that look after your kids when you and your mistress rent a hotel room for the night?

Ugh, I'm a mess.

And I'm still probably the mistress.

Poor Dylan probably thinks I have a problem. I've been pacing around the table. I look like a drug addict waiting for his dealer.

Someone needs to slap some sense into me, I am a literal mess.

It's one in the afternoon and she hasn't showed up yet.

What if she doesn't actually show up? What a real power move. I'd be the forever bottom after that.

Maybe I should leave. Maybe the real power move is for me to not be there when she gets here.

I'm actually debating leaving, or like hiding in a corner like a creep to see her get here and look for me and not find me, when she actually appears.

There she is.

I knew it.

Wavy blonde hair, pink lips and wicked eyes. She sees me and smiles.

I fucking melt.

But I won't give her the satisfaction of letting her know I've been waiting for this moment all week long.

The truth is though, I'm like, shaking. I'm so excited and full of adrenaline that I'm like grabbing stuff and putting back where I took it and Dylan is telling me something and I'm answering gibberish and all I can think is that she's close and she might be looking my way and I'm trying to not look at her, to not let her know that she's a hundred percent winning. I'm her goddamn bitch.

After maybe fifteen minutes of talking and acting like a toddler that hasn't fully grasped the English language and doesn't have full control of his limbs yet, I stop putting off what I really want to do.

I walk to the bathroom. This is becoming our routine after all. She'll follow me. She has to.

The second the door closes behind me though I turn around. No surprises this time.

The door opens. She walks in. I don't even let her see me and I grab her arm, pulling her into my own.

She's always kissed me first. Not this time.

I've taken her by surprise. I can feel it.

I really hope I don't seem like some kind of predator.

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