Raven (Teen Titans) x Reader

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By my friend Brantley :)
Assassin AU

Quoth the raven
I quickly hop from rooftop to rooftop. I tried scouting for her but she seems to have caught on. I cant seem to find her anywhere but she seems smart enough not to use her powers. Guess my intuition and speed are the only thing I can use her. I continue my search and know Im getting closer. The sun sets on the coast and her times is running out. I know we are pretty evenly much in terms of combat skill but I still need to be careful about her using her powers. People start clearing out and heading home making me job easier. I quickly scour through the people near me and hone in on her. Her violet cloak gives her away... you wouldve thought she wouldve gotten rid of the dreadful thing. Well, doesnt matter as she stops for a moment. I quickly jump to the building above her and ready myself. I need to be patient, I know shes trying to set a trap for me to attack her now but Im a very patient person. She looks up and we make eye contact. I give her smile and she returns with a hardened look. She starts her run again and she breaks into an alley knowing Id have to drop down. I drop down to follow chase. I move carefully to avoid any trap. She reaches a dead end and I realize the fight has started. "Hey, raven, been awhile hasnt it?" I said with a sinister smile. "Y/n, it has been awhile hasnt it?" She asks with a glare. "It has, it has.... but surely you realize I have to keep up my hunt" I say. "You could leave me alone, but something tells me you want to kill me for more then the monetary gain" she responds. "Mmmm maybe, but Im tired of talking, lets get down to it, shall we?" I ask. "If you insist" raven responds.

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