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BY KRIS10 :)

Aizawa BNHA x Shiggy BNHA
Drug Cartel AU

It was a cold, rainy day. The wind was harsh, waving around Aizawas hair wildly. He went to the place he has gone to everyday for the past few weeks.

The alley.

He doesn't remember how or why it started, all he knew was that he didnt want it to stop. Not just for the drugs, but for him.

He arrived. He went and stood at the same spot he always goes to.

He waited a few moments then heard some footsteps approach.

"Your back. Good. Today i have something different for you, shouta." The voice called out.

Aizawa got closer to the voice, it drew him in worse than the drugs he bought.

"What is it?" He asked the other.

Tomura Shigariki stepped out from the shadows.

"Join us. I know how you hate being a damned hero, so join us. You know i run this cartel, so you can be second in command. So, what will it be shouta?"

He was frozen. He didnt know what to say. The man he had fell for just asked him to be with him.

He stepped forward to Shigariki.

"I would love nothing more than to join you, Tomura."

Shiggy smirked. "Good. Follow me." He held out his hand.

Shouta took it, hesitating. And tomura lead him to an abandoned warehouse. He went into the basement and saw it was where the drugs were shipped too.

Tomura explained this was base. There were other small bases that other members went to, but this was the main one. They went on throughout, and eventually finished a tour. Shouta stared at tomura for a while.

"What." Tomura said.

"..i love you."

Shouta whispered.

Tomura didnt say anything. Rather he stepped forward and kissed shoutas forehead.

They stared at each others eyes for a while.

They heard crashes. Screaming. People were running.

They opened the door and it revealed that heros were there. Had they followed shouta???

One of them saw shouta and tomura and ran towards them with some swat agents. Tomura started killing, despite shoutas protests. One of the swat agents was faster.

They shot him. They shot tomura.

Shouta held his cold body in his hands.

"...i..love..you...too...shouta..." Tomura whispered.


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