Nightmares (Davesport Floof)

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No, not the fucking animatronics. Fucking bad dreams - dumbass.  This is Davesport, as the title says. Learn to read bitch. (Apologies, I do not mean to come off rude. I am just in a mad mood. OOP - ACCIDENTAL ANGRY ALLITERATION - and another one - ANOTHER ONE -)
Okay - Sport/Jack was abused in the past - Dave and Jack are alive and it's after hours. In the pizzeria. So this shall be interesting . . . lol.

Time: 20:00

Location: Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria

Perspective: Dave's

I looked over at Sport, who was asleep against the wall. He was tense, unlike him. I walked over and crouched beside him. He pulled me closer - by the arm, may I add. It hurt slightly, his grip was tight, his nails digging through my sleeve. I winced and hit the wall, hearing the quiet thud ring in the room. 'Old Sport?' I winced using my free hand to free my other one and nudged him gently. He didn't even move, not even a little bit. 'Old Sport!' I said loudly, nudging him again. He opened his eyes suddenly. I just now realised he had been breathing heavily - still is, but you know - and shaking. 'Sport . . . ?' I murmured, he looked at me briefly before collapsing into my arms and sobbing. 'Another nightmare . . . ?' I shifted so we were both more comfortable and hugged him. He nodded slightly. 'Sportsie . . .' I sighed, looking at him softly.

'D-Don't go. . .' He murmured between sobs.

'I won't Sportsie.' I hugged him tightly, feeling him stop shaking. 'Not like the others. I will always stay by your side.' His grip softened and he looked up at me with his emerald (I do not know why I gave Sport green eyes, don't judge me. They're hot on brunettes too - AH. STOP TALKING ABOUT YOUR CRUSH AND WRITE.) eyes.

'Always . . . ?' He whispered.

'Always.' I smiled softly. Sportsie relaxed slightly, his breathing steadying. 'You need to tell someone what these are about, Sportsie, otherwise we won't be able to help you. . .' He looked at the cold grey ceiling.

'I know . . . I just . . .'

'Don't trust people that much, I know.' I sighed. I wish he trusted me more . . .

'I'm sorry . . .' He said, looking back at me.

'You have nothing to say sorry about, Sportsie.' I said firmly, gripping his face gently and lifting it so we were eye-level. 'We all trust someone less or more than another. Sometimes equally. You don't need to apologise!' I let go and hugged him, and felt his arms wrap around me. (Why do I feel so supportive right now - ) 'I love you.' I whispered.

'H-huh?' He let go and moved away.

'Oh - erm - you should rest -' I winced slightly.

'Then you should too.' He looked unconvinced and then suddenly dragged me onto the floor - himself on top of me.

'Ow -' I wheezed. 'You're heavy.' I joked.

'Says the one who eats more than me.' He grinned, shutting his eyes. I closed my eyes, laughing slightly.

(522 Words)

Even the shortest shot written, can be the most amazing yet terrible one. Huehuehuehuehuehue.  This is so short though - ;w; I am so sorry for the short chapters! ;w;

Dave x Sport + William x Henry OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now