Dee . . . ? (Davesport) {3}

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Time: 16:21
Perspective: Dave's
Location: Sport's House

I didn't care that the phones had been spammed with calls from Fuck-Head, he could go fuck himself for all I cared. Sport needed sleep, and he didn't fall asleep until he had dragged me into the bed with him and lay his head on my lap. I didn't mind, but I knew he would freak out when he woke up because he was extremely tired and he really couldn't think straight at all. I looked at the missed calls from Fuck-Head and cleared them, then I did the same for Sportsy's phone. It didn't hurt, even if Fuck-Head took down our wages by a few. Sportsy shifted and woke up. He turned red and sat up quickly. 'S-Sorry.' He stammered.
'It's fine, Sportsy.' I said.
'What time is it?' He murmured.
'Shit!' He yelped. 'We're late for our shifts by a ton -'
'Relax, Old Sport.' I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder. He squirmed slightly.
'H-huh?!' I laughed slightly, it was cute - that sound he made when he was flustered. 'D- Dave -'
'Just go back to sleep, Sportsy.' I smiled. He squirmed and I tightened my grip on him. 'Sleep, Sportsy, you need to.' He stopped trying to break free of my grip and relaxed, just giving up.
'I don't, but fine.' He grumbled, cuddling up into me unconsciously and shutting his eyes. My phone rang and I hung up. It was Phoney, that I knew. Sport was asleep in a few moments, and I kept having to hang up on dear old fat Fuck-Head every ten minutes. I decided to just turn my phone on Do Not Disturb, and did the same with Sportsy's - which had no password, oddly enough. I shut my eyes and drifted to sleep.

Time: 18:21
Perspective: Sport's

I opened my eyes and shifted slightly. Dave was asleep, his grip tight. My eyes widened at the position we were in. His knee was between my legs and his face was a few millimetres from mine. 'U-Uhm . . . D-Dave . . . ?' I nudged him, squirming slightly. Dave didn't stir. Is he a heavy sleeper or something - oh fuck - I bit my tongue. 'D-Dave . . . !' I stammered. He still didn't wake up. 'Dave!' QwQ He was still sound asleep. 'DAVE!' His leg moved slightly and I yelped. 'DAVE!! WAKE UP YOU FUCKING AUBERGINE -' I screeched, trying to move backwards. His eyes slowly opened and he grinned.
'Hello, Old Sport.'
'Nah, I like the position we're in.' He smirked.
'No.' He moved his knee and I yelped.
'Quiet, Old Sport.' He said.
'D-Dave - !' He looked at me in the eyes.
'Quiet, Sportsy.' He chuckled. I avoided his gaze and bit my tongue. 'So you decided to listen to me~?' He purred. I hate you, you stupid aubergine - He moved a hand to my face and rubbed my lips with a thumb, cutting off my thoughts. He moved his knee, gazing at me with his black eyes. I squirmed slightly and he let me go, laughing slightly. I moved backwards and put up my middle finger.
'F-Fuck you, you stupid, fat aubergine.' I spat, looking away from him.
'Yeah, yeah.' He laughed. 'Anyways, Old Sport, Old Phoney's probably pissed at us for skipping our shift. I'd call him and apologise, but he's an asshole.' Dave stretched, turning on his phone and unlocking it. 'Also, put a passcode  on your phone.'
'Wha - what did you do to my phone?!'
'I put it on Do Not Disturb while you were sleeping, relax Old Sport.' He chuckled.
'I hate you so much right now.' I said, turning on my phone and quickly giving it a passcode. I turned it off and yawned. 'What time is it?'
'You were just on your phone - Old Sport -' He facepalmed and then looked at me. 'It's 18:30.' He turned his phone off and placed it on my nightstand. He looked at the corner of my room and then looked back to me.
'Ughhhhhh this is boring.' I groaned, laying on my back and staring at the ceiling. I noticed Dave peering at me in the corner of my eye.
'I agree, Sportsy.'
'Davey, do you have any -' Dave began to wheeze and I realised what I had said.
'Did you just call me fucking "Davey"?'
'Oi, you fucking aubergine - I did not fucking call you "Davey" -' Dave gave a tea kettle laugh, cutting me off.
'Are you -' Wheeze '- Never mind, never mind Sportsy.' He wheezed.
'Fuck you, Dave.' I snapped, putting up the middle finger and glaring at him. He rolled his eyes.
'Fuck you too, tangerine.' He chuckled.

(791 Words)

And this is the last part, and of this book too - lol.

Dave x Sport + William x Henry OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now