Saferoom (Davesport)

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This is taking place in the DSAF 3 time, where Sport owns the last restaurant.

Time: 21:45
Location: The Saferoom Of Freddy Fazbender's Pizza
Perspective: Sport's

I wondered how I got roped into this mess as I looked at Davetrap, who was going on and on about the old times. Well, not surprising, since he had been alone for ages and I set him on fucking FIRE the last time I had seen him. I still felt bad for that, but he was here now. And probably a "small" amount of mad at me, since I set him on fire. 'Sportsy, are ya listenin'?' Davetrap waved his arm in front of my face and I snapped out of my thoughts.
'S-sorry, I kind of zoned out.' I said.
'Don't worry about it, Sportsy.' He said, probably smiling under that rotting rabbit costume. Well, it wasn't rotting, Dave was. Wait, the suit was rotting. 'We all zone out one time or another. But you've been zonin' out a bit, Sportsy.'
'Yeah . . .' I sighed.
'Ya tired?' He asked, probably raising an eyebrow under that suit.
'I suppose -' I broke off with a yawn.
'You should sleep, Sportsy.' He said.
'Aw, does Davey care for me?~' I laughed.
'Sportsy! You're makin' me blush.'
'I didn't know, after all you are stuck in a rotting, mouldy rabbit suit.'
'An' you're a rottin' tangerine, but I don't bring tha' up.' He crossed his arms against his chest.
'You have no idea how much I hate you, Dave.'
'I wonder when you changed your mind, Old Sport, because a few years ago -' He broke off as I put up my middle finger. 'Sportsy, that's not nice!' He exclaimed.
'Oh really? I didn't know.'
'Go to sleep, Sportsy.' He said.
'I'll go to my ho-' I broke off with a yawn.
'You're probably too tired to go back, Sportsy. Just sleep in here.'
'I have to-' I broke off with another yawn.
'Sportsy, you definitely are too tired. Sleep.' He stared at me.
'No question, fucking sleep.' He said, grabbing me.
'Fine . . .'
'Thank you Sportsy.' He said, sitting down and dragging me down with him. I yelped, and Dave laughed slightly. 'Relax, Sportsy.'
'You took me by surprise -'
'Just sleep.' He said, wrapping an arm around me.
'You stink.' I wrinkled my nose.
'I'm a corpse in a rotting bunny costume, of course I'm gonna, and it's not like you can talk.' He replied. I rolled my eyes and cuddled up into him, ignoring the stench coming from him.
'Whatever.' I muttered.
'Now sleep, Old Sport.' He laughed quietly. I shut my eyes.

Time: 4:03

I stirred and looked at Davetrap. He looked at me. 'Good morning, Old Sport.' He was probably, maybe definitely, smiling.
'Morning.' I yawned, remembering his charming grin when he hadn't been stuck in that stupid suit.
'You should be rested enough to go to your house now.' He said.
'Yeah, yeah.' I sighed, yawning. 'I don't really wanna leave right now, so later.'
'Alright, Sportsy.' He said. (If you're wondering why Sport is just being a little lazy, it's because it's a closed day. 👀) I shut my eyes, cuddling him. 'I'll stay awake because that Phone-Guy is probably still around.' Davetrap said. 'I hate those damn phone-heads, ya know.'
'I don't know why, I just do. They get on my damned nerves.' His hug tightened.
'Davey, you need to relax a little.' I squirmed slightly, opening my eyes.
'Sorry, Old Sport.' He said, loosening his grip. Then he realised what I said and turned his head to the wall, probably blushing under the green spring-lock suit. I shut my eyes again.

Perspective: Phone-Guy's
Location: Main Area, Freddy Fazbender's Pizza

I didn't see Boss leave the building, which was a bit worrying. He may have been doing rounds until I left, and I just hadn't seen him. I shrugged off the eerie feeling and looked at the clock. '4:05. I hope Boss is alright.' I murmured. I walked off to the Security Room and flicked through the cameras. Nothing wrong, and there was only one place to look at. The Saferoom. I sighed and walked out. He had to be alright, after all - an employee had to wear the suit yesterday because Boss hadn't been in until after the performance, overslept - probably. That's what I told myself whenever he was due to come in and failed to do so on time. I tried the Saferoom door. It was locked. Huh? I didn't lock it? Did Boss come here and lock it or is he still here, and in the Saferoom? I tried it again. I facepalmed (or phonepalmed). Knock, you stupid -  I cut off my thoughts and knocked.

Perspective: Davetrap's

Ugh, the Phoney is still here. I nudged Sportsy and went to the shadows once he sat up.

Perspective: Phone-Guy's

Boss opened the door, looking dishevelled. 'What is it.' He rubbed his eyes.
'I was worried you may have gotten spring-locked, you know. Anyways, it's 4:06 - did you not realise?' I asked, raising an e  - wait . . . YOU GET WHAT I MEANT.
'No, I did . . .' He yawned.
'Why were you in the restaurant overnight?' I asked. He yawned again.

Perspective: Sport's

'That isn't any of your business, employee.' I said, looking at Phone-Guy in the - wait, he has no eyes - JUST AT HIM, OKAY.
'Sorry, Boss.' He said.
'Go home, employee.' I said.
'Take a small break for family time. You need it.' I said. He stared at me for a moment then nodded and left. I shut the door and turned to Davetrap in the darkest corner.
'I hate that fuckin' Phoney.' Davetrap said, crossing his arms on his chest.
'I - you - yeah. I do as well.' I sighed.
'Happy you share the same opinion as me, Sportsy.' He probably was smiling under that mask.
'Well, see you next month - Davey.' I said.
'See you, Sportsy.' He walked over and hugged me, then walked backwards. I smiled slightly. 'Also, if I ever get caught on camera - expect the footage to be replaced with a woman in a bikini skinning an aubergine.' I blinked at the words.
'W h a t ? Where do you even get that video from - you know what, never mind. See you, Davey.'

(1,011 Words)

Dave x Sport + William x Henry OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now