The Kids . . . (Willry)

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This is taking place in the more canon universe, where William goes insane after his family died and where Mrs. Emily does not exist. Henry finds William in the alleyway with the Puppet and Charlie, and this is where this oneshot happens.

Location: Alleyway Behind Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria

Time: 19:30 (Closing Time)

Perspective: Henry's

I looked around, then noticed the shape of the Puppet and another figure in front of me. Obviously an adult, but why were they with the Puppet? I walked closer. 'Hello?' (Of course, you should always approach a person in an alleyway. **SARCASM ALERT!**) I couldn't recognise the person.

Perspective: William's

I turned my head, hearing Hen's voice. Fuck. I groaned silently. I sighed and faced him. 'W-William . . . ?' He whispered. Call me a psychopath, but his scared, little voice and the way he shook was quite a turn on. I dropped the knife and walked towards him. 'G-get away!' He yelped, backing away and stumbling into the wall. I chuckled, causing him to stare at me as if I was sick or . . . insane. I probably was, after all that killing. 'T-the kids - what did you do to them?!' He was right against the wall now, practically cornered. I smiled and gripped his face in my bloody hands.

'Dead.' I murmured. Henry's eyes widened.

'C-Charlie . . . ?'

'Also dead.'

'You - you -' He seemed to struggle for the strength to call me what he was thinking.

'Bastard? Monster? Bitch?' I asked, leaning in closer to him.

Perspective: Henry's

I noticed the look in his eyes and shivered. I glanced around, and realised that I was stuck. I looked back at him. He moved his hand to my lips, and placed a finger atop them. H-huh?! His gaze softened and he leaned in.

Perspective: William's

Cute. I smirked, looking at him - shaking and pinned against the wall. I moved my finger and kissed him. His eyes widened momentarily, then he shut them.

Perspective: Henry's

What is wrong with me?! I'm kissing my daughter's killer! I need - William broke the kiss, also breaking my thoughts. I opened my eyes and noticed William moving his fingers down the side of my neck. I stiffened. 'Loosen up, Hen~' He purred. What the fuck can I do?! Well . . . I looked him up and down slightly. He was hot. . . No. I couldn't . . . He killed those kids. But . . . I didn't, and it wouldn't hurt - would it . . . ? He seemed to notice my hesitance and seemed to read my thoughts.  'Hen, come on~ It won't hurt~~' He smirked.

(447 Words)

You can imagine what happened next. So - yuh. Bye.

Dave x Sport + William x Henry OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now