Chapter Thirty Two

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"you what, I just heard, blah-blah spiritual mumbo jumbo, blah-blah something about space" Cara heard Toph's voice as she opened her eyes, she was back to seeing through her waterbending but she couldn't compline, it was useful "you best not be dissing the spirits, my dear Toph" Cara forced out of her fry mouth, before she could get up Toph was practically on top of her "Cara!" she yelled happily as she planted Kisses all over the water benders face "To-ph s-stop" Cara giggled as she finally stopped Toph from bombarding her with kisses "how long was I out?" she asked getting some water from the air and drinking it "you were out for 4 days, Aang was scared he'd have to face the fire lord alone" Toph told Cara who's eyes widened "4 days, wait does that mean this is invasion day?" Cara asked and Sokka nodded, the water bender sighed "at least I'm well rested"

"oh no" Katara said as she saw some fog "Sokka, do you think the fog will delay the invasion?" she asked her brother who looked at the fog "no, that is the invasion" he smiled.

Toph and Aang went down to the bay and created docks so the boats could, dock as soon as Katara and Sokka saw their father, they ran up to him and hugged him. A little while later more people came, the swamp benders, some more earth benders along with the hippo and the boulder, once everyone was together, Aang got a new glider from the professor who lived in one of the air temples and he made one for Cara as well, he and his son were the only people to know about Cara's air bending ability and so they made her a glider.

After some more time, everyone was ready to hear the invasion plan, but Sokka was nervous as he walked upon the small stage "good morning everyone!" he shouted before falling over, he quickly picked up the many pieces of paper and looked at the crowed nervously "so, as you know, today we're invading the fire nation, I mean I know you know that because otherwise why else would you be here" Sokka rambled and Cara lightly face palmed at her friends nervousness, Sokka then placed the papers on the bored "anyway, the fire lords palace is here" he then looked at the paper and saw it wasn't on the right slide, he then shuffled though it until a map of the fire nation came up "here and, uh, today there's an eclipse, Aang and Cara are going to fight the fire lord and the fire benders won't have any fire to use, so that's good for us, and um, I'm sorry, let me start from the beginning" he finally took a breath before going back to when he and Katara discovered Aang and Cara in the iceberg and going though all of there adventures untill Sokka's dad stopped him "it's ok, why don't you take a break" his dad said calmly, Sokka tjen sighed and walked off the stage as his father explained everything.

Sokka sat down next to the Cara who patted him on his back "you did good for your first time battle speech" Sokka just sighed and smiled lightly "thanks Cara" she smiled at the boy as Sokka's dad finished everyone cheered and started getting ready for battle.

As Cara was putting on light amour Toph walked up next to her "Hi princess, you ready?" Cara asked with a smile expecting Toph to playfully pinch her but she didn't, Cara felt Toph hug her from behind "what's wrong?" Cara asked turning round so she could hug Toph back "promise me you'll be ok, that'll see you again" Toph's voice was shaky like she was going to cry but she held in her tears, Cara kissed her head "I promise I'll come back to you in one piece, give or take a hairs" Toph laughed a little at Cara, she then pecked her lips and sighed "I love you" Toph softly said making Cara smile "I love you, too"

After a little more time they made their way to the boats as they set sail for the Great gates of Azulon, they sailed for a little bit untill Sokka's dad spotted the gates "there they are, the great gates of Azulon"

"I don't see any gates" Katara says before her dad asked her, Cara and the swamp benders to create some fog, which they did as they got closer to the gates, suddenly a bell started ringing and the gates went up lighting in fire as they ascended from the water, they then heard motor boats coming for them and Sokka's father got everyone below decks to the submarines, they got away from the boats but because there was only a limited air supply in the subs they needed to resurface get more air inside the subs, and for Aang and Cara to use their gliders to fly to the Palace, before they did that however the Gaang embraced in a group hug.

After that, Aang and Cara went off flying, with her limited use of a glider, Cara found it a little hard to fly with it but she soon got the hang of it.

They flew for quite some time until they got to main city they looked round to see nobody, it was deadly quiet and they wondered why, as they made their way towards the Palace it was still quiet, nobody in sight, they busted the doors open and still nobody was there.

They ran to the thrown room and fire lord Oazi was nowhere to be seen.

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