The break in

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To my "admirer",

I guess I don't need to introduce myself, you seem to know a lot about me anyway. Who are you and how are you getting into my house? I'm positive I only have one key, that means you'd have to break in but I don't see any traces of a break in anywhere. I would possibly like to see you, so you can tell me in person why you're doing this, if you have time that is.

From Makoto Naegi

I put down my pen and sighed, how exactly was I going to give this to them? Maybe I could leave it on my coffee table? That's what you see when you walk into my apartment so it's probably the best bet. Before I placed it onto the table, I wrote 'To my admirer'

I decided to go to bed early, because I was tired and because I didn't exactly want to do anything else.

Hours later, at about 1 in the morning, I heard a click from my front door and it slowly being opened. I was frozen with fear, what the hell was going on? I heard a tiny squeal, whoever they were, they seemed happy. I then heard rustles of paper, they were opening the note.

"He actually took the time to write me a note back? How thoughtful of him!"

It sounded like a female, no, it definitely was a female. I shut my eyes tightly and tried to force myself to fall asleep, hoping that this was just a bad dream.

"He's so sweet! I would love to meet him face-to-face! Maybe I can see him now... I'll just take a quick peak at him, nothing major."

The voice sounded too familiar, as if I'd heard it multiple times, I just couldn't pin point the voice to a specific person. Exactly at that moment, I heard my door opening, quietly but not quiet enough for me not to hear it. I shut my eyes and pretended to sleep while I heard them getting closer to me.


I felt something warm on my cheek, was this person... touching my face?

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