Problems explained

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As soon as I got home I got to work. First, I started with the letter.

To Mukuro

When you're reading this, I'm probably asleep. I'd like to know why you're doing this? I never thought that you had any sort of interest towards me. I'd like you to wake me up so you can tell me exactly why you're doing this.

Thank you, Makoto.

Right, step one done. Step two, I have to write my phone number on a piece of paper so she can contact me...

** **** ****

Done, now step three, bake her something. I have no clue why, I just thought It'd be nice. So after baking the cake (yes, a whole damn cake) I decided, It's time to go to sleep and hope that everything goes the way I've planned.

At about the same time as she broke in last time, I heard my door open.

It was time

I shut my eyes tightly, listening carefully for any sounds that she makes.

Mukuro: To... Mukuro? He found out, I knew he was smart enough.

I heard a rustle of paper and silence for a few minutes, then I heard footsteps coming towards my room. I prepared myself as I heard the door click.

Mukuro: He looks so peaceful... Do I have to wake you up? Well... You did request it in your letter.

She stood there, for a minute or two before lightly shaking me. I opened my eyes slowly.

It was time to act

Makoto: Hm...?

Mukuro: Makoto... You're awake... Do you want me to explain or not?

Makoto: Explain wha- Oh, yeah, yes please.

Mukuro: Well, to put it simply... You were the first person to ever genuinely smile at me... I know it may sound like a stupid reason but when you did, I felt loved, appreciated, I don't feel those things very often...

I sat there, feeling sorry for her, I couldn't believe that she had never been smiled at, it was... unreal.

Makoto: I remember in your letter... You talked about your sister, Junko is it?

Mukuro: Yes... As much as I adore her, she never returns those feelings, she despises me. She's... Kicked me out of our house.

Junko... I always thought she was a pretty nice girl, I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Makoto: I'm sorry Mukuro...I... So you have nowhere to live...?

Mukuro: Not currently, no.

I didn't know what to do, I was sorry for her, I-

Wait a minute... I have an idea...

Makoto: Mukuro... Do you maybe want to... Live with me?

Mukuro: Me... Live with you?... It would be an honour.

That's how it all started

Stalker/ Mukuro x MakotoWhere stories live. Discover now