The necklace

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The person was definitely touching my face... why?

At that moment, my immediate thought was to open my eyes and confront the person, but despite that, I stayed quiet, hoping that they would go away.

"Makoto, I wish you were awake... I'd love to see your beautiful eyes... Your beautiful emerald-green eyes..."

I am very awake thank you, you just have no idea. I swear I recognise the voice, who are they?

"My sweet Makoto... I got the matching necklaces! Here..." I heard a clang coming from my bedside table and then I felt something warm on my forehead....

Did they seriously just kiss my forehead? I don't even know them, what the hell are they-


They just closed my door. Can I get up now? Or do I have to wait until-


Now I can definitely get up. I opened my eyes and looked at my bedside table... The necklace was there, and so was a note addressed to 'my sweet Makoto'


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