How it all began

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Malix had hunted the five brother's for some time now... And he found the perfect victim to get them to come out... A girl by the name of Jasmine Anderson, he captured her when she was alone and planned to kill her if the brother's didn't come for her, by the time they did arrive with James being called by her... Malix had one of his bullet ricoche and lodge into Jasmine's right leg before he died and having the brother's take her back to remove the bullet, Mika her sister was furious at the injury that they allowed her sister to receive.

While Jasmine was sleeping in her bed from the fact they had to remove the bullet and stitch her up... Mika was yelling at them for not protecting her better and demanded that they leave before morning "I don't want to see you five failures again" she said before heading for bed, the brother's were slightly hurt because Jasmine didn't blame them at all for her injury, but they had to leave so with that they packed up there things and then checked on Jasmine before they leave "Did something happen?" she asked as they walked into her room "Mika has decided that we need to leave by morning" James explained as Jasmine looked down in sorrow.

Over the short time they had lived with her... She had grown to love there presence in her life but also enjoyed being with James the most, with that she looked up to the five of them with a determined look "Damien? Can you go into my closet? There's a box on the ground that has something I made for you guys" she said making him nod as he collected the box and set it on her lap as she pulled out sets of mittens, hats and scarfs for each of them "I actually hoped you would be here for Christmas so I could wrap them... But I guess this can be my last gift to you all" she said as she handed them out to each of the brothers, they were each surprised by the gifts... But they felt pain because they didn't have anything to gift her and they didn't know when they would see her again.

Slowly they walked out of the room... Until it was only her and James left, he decided to gift her some sort of protection "If you would let me... I wish to protect your mind from anyone who might want to make you forget us or even look into your memories" he said making her smile and nod "If this eases your mind then i'm fine with it" she replied making him nod and get to work on the chant to protect her, there a faint glow around her before it faded quickly but James knew she was safe now "Will be going now... But I promise we will see each other again" he said making her smile and nod as he walked out of her room and then left with his brother's... All the while not knowing of what would happen to Jasmine's life next.

And it wasn't going to go well at all for her.

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