Getting to work

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It wasn't long before the group got back into looking for a solution for Jasmine, they were trying there best to translate everything to get started but it wasn't all that easy for now... There was also the fact that with Malix dead they couldn't know if he did something to the bullet that hit Jasmine, so they were stuck and on there own "I don't get shit in all of this!!" Sam shouted in anger making James sigh "I'm sorry Sam, if I had been more careful none of this would have happened" Jasmine apologized as she looked up from a book she was reading to try and get answers on hellbane magic.

They all looked back at her with a pained look, they knew she was blaming herself for this while they knew it wasn't her fault as she didn't know that this would be the results in her getting the bullet, Sam tried to fix his mistake as Damien and Matthew walked out to make them some snacks to eat while reading some more... Hoping that this whole thing will have calmed down a bit by the time they return with food, Erik tries to change the subject by claiming he translated something about hell curses "It says her that devils can place a curse on something when targeting someone... But the hell curse can by strange on humans" he explained making them look at him confused to his words right now "So your saying that Malix cursed the bullet, shot it for one of us to get but it ended up at Jasmine and so the curse was random for her?" Sam asked making them all groan.

"Hey guys! Look what I found!" they all turned to find Matthew running in... While wearing his old shirt from when they first met.

 While wearing his old shirt from when they first met

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This was nostalgic to them... Seeing Matthew wearing that old shirt made them smile as Damien walked in with some snacks making them eat and drink before getting to work once more, James at times looked over to Jasmine who was at times looking from one book to another... He wondered if she found something and was simply trying to confirm something making him smile as he got back to what he was doing, he hoped that something good will be found in all of this to reverse her condition soon but right now they could only read and hope for the best, at one point Erik had enough and decided to leave for a break while the rest of them continued to research for answers that they so badly needed.

An hour later Damien claimed he was getting a headache from all of there thoughts so he decided to get some sleep, he promised to take a look into all of this in the morning and try to help digging through some of this but he couldn't make a promise in finding something good for them, this left Jasmine with the three boys in the hopes of getting something... They were all looking through some books when she spoke "Hey guys? I think this book is meant to teach you there language" she claimed making James walk over to look at the book she had "Your right... It's actually a book that the young devils read to learn there language for specific verbal spells they have" he explained making Sam sigh in relief at the good news while Matthew headed to bed with the claim of telling Erik and Damien the good news.

Once that was solved, the rest of the team went to bed to sleep, they had work to do in the morning and it was for the best that they get some sleep so they can stay awake to translate anything that can hold answers to there needs in helping Jasmine walk again, at about two in the morning, James woke up with the need to drink some water... He was just about to head down the stairs when he noticed that the lights in the study were on, he was certain to have turned them off though? So with that he walked over to find Jasmine inside to his surprise, she was reading the book she uncovered while writing down something from a scroll she was also reading at the same time... He understood that she was trying to translate the scroll, he sighed and quietly walked over to her "You're gonna hate yourself in the morning if you stay up late" he said as she jumped at his voice.

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