The shocking sight

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A year and a half later...

Damien sighed as he took a long needed walk in the streets of Chicago, it had been a year and a half since James and Erik returned home to try and stop there father and what he wanted... Leaving Matthew, Sam and Damien working in the human realm, Sam was a cop, Matthew was working at the Anderson toy company while he opened a book store... But he still worried about Jasmine, since they left no one has heard from her and none of them wanted Mika's wrath for going over to then mansion to visit.

For now he was leaving the store to his employees since he couldn't handle the customers thinking about how to get his attention to flirt with him or try to ask him out, he thought about getting something to eat until his eyes landed on a familiar figure... In a wheelchair, he was shocked and confused at the sight of Jasmine in a wheelchair of all things, it didn't make sense? What happened since they left to have her in a wheelchair? He had to find out, he slowly walked over to her as she looked around for where to go until she turned to find Damien "Damien? Is that really you?" she asked with a bright smile as he nodded "It's been a while... But what happened to you?" he asked as her smile slowly dropped "Let's go to the Pink Lady café and talk there" she said making him nod and help her get there.

It wasn't long until they arrived at the café, they sat down and ordered so now they were simply waiting for there order's in silence "The morning after you all left, Mika had no memories of you guys, I think something happened during the night that made her forget you all... As time went on I slowly began to loose feeling in my legs, we went to see doctors and none knew what was going on with me to slowly become paralyzed so my only option was a wheelchair" she explained slowly, he never once spoke and simply focused on what she was saying... And slowly began to worry "My parents paid to get things set up in the mansion to help me out while Mika began to date Andrew Lewis, she has him over and he tries to bond with me... But he doesn't try to do anything with my condition in mind so I simply stay away from him... Then I did the same to Suzu and Naomi who were like Andrew" she then said making Damien confused.

"Mom and Dad were furious when they found out about all of it and told Mika that either she makes them understand my condition might be permanent or she abandons them for friends who will understand... She simply moved in with Andrew so to not have to see me again" she finished saying and all Damien wanted to do was destroy something out of anger for allowing something like this to happen to the one person who really cared for him and his brother's "What about you? How are things for you and your brother's?" she asked with a smile as he looked at her in slight surprise "Matthew works at the toy company, Sam is an officer and I own a book store a little away from where we saw each other" he said making her nod with a smile "James and Erik went back... They wanted to resolve things with our father" he then said but she didn't change her expression at all.

They spoke for a little longer until a car parked and the driver came in "Oh! My driver's here. It was nice seeing you again Damien and please try to visit me with Matthew and Sam alright?" she asked making him smile and nod as she left with her ride, he didn't leave right away... But when he did leave he quickly texted Sam and Matthew to call him when they can, Sam called seconds later "What's up Damien?" he asked making his little brother sigh "I saw Jasmine... She's in a wheelchair and I think it's because of Malix" he explained as Sam began to curse up a storm "Were seeing her tomorrow" and with that Sam hung up, Matthew was the same, he didn't curse but he did claim to visit her the next day... And with that Damien returned to his shop and got back to work with a plan for the next day.

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