Surprise of a lifetime

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It took a while of the brother's talking to one another before James pulled away to find Jasmine in the dining room, she was like he thought... In a wheelchair, she turned to him with a smile, he walked over to sit in the chair next to her "How are you feeling?" he asked making her smile "I'm fine, just the fact that I can't walk anymore is still hard to me" she explained making him nod, it was obvious to him that her loss of mobility is hard for her to handle even to this day... But he was certain that she would walk again thanks to him, he would need to get all of his siblings to help him do some research with the hopes that things turn out well.

But for now he was hungry... And he was tired, so he walked to the kitchen to find that his three youngest brother's were starting to work but were stopped by that group, so he pulled back his sleeves and got to work, he decided to make them all something simple but still packed with nutrients for them, he wanted to make sure they were all eating well and this was just what they all needed, once it was deemed ready he began to serve them... As a result Sam growled at what they were eating making Matthew laugh at him, this was something he missed so much, he sat down with them and began to eat there meal, James felt proud of himself as Jasmine thanked him for the delicious meal he had prepared for them, Damian agreeing with her words with a smile as Matthew smiled as well... Sam was being Sam with the claims of the meal being boring while Erik claimed he missed his brother's cooking.

James began to wonder about Jasmine and her condition, but for now he was going to wait and simply eat and then get some sleep... He can do some research in the morning instead, once everyone finished Matthew collected the dishes and went to clean them while Sam took Jasmine to the bathroom so she can take a shower, Erik offered to help so he can learn what to do while James settled in his room, he grabbed his things and got into the room he slept in and began to unpack, he could faintly hear Jasmine's laughter making him smile as Matthew called out for them to not make a mess "The bullet wound looks infected... But the doctors and no one else but us and Jasmine can see it" he turned to find Damian standing there, James turned to face him "What do you mean?" he asked making Damian sigh.

"We don't understand either, it's just like that, it doesn't look like it's going to spread or anything but there are times when she winces and claims that the injury hurts her" he explained making James nod "Maybe something is wrong? Perhaps something is still stuck in her body that we accidentally left behind?" James wondered making Damian gasp in worry to those words "What if we did? That would mean we left her to suffer!" Damian claimed as James stopped him "Calm down now little brother, let's just wait until morning to look into this" he explained making his brother nod and then head to his room for bed, once certain he was alone, he pulled out a book about hellbane magic with the hopes it might give him a clue on what was wrong with Jasmine at the moment, once he was changed and in bed, Erik and Sam had finished cleaning Jasmine while Matthew turned in for the night, Jasmine was dressed and helped to her room as the brother's then headed for bed.

Erik found James seated in his bed while reading the book "Your already looking into this?" he asked as James nodded but didn't look towards his brother "Damian said Jasmine would feel pain at times and the bullet wound spot looked infected... But no one but us and Jasmine can see it" he explained making Erik nod as he got changed and in bed "That is very strange... I did ask why the doctors didn't check on her leg when I noticed the coloring but Sam claimed the doctors don't see it... I thought he meant they ignored it like it was nothing serious" he explained making James feel some anger growing from deep within him right now, this was going to be a lot of work to get answers and a way to reverse her condition... He needed her to walk again so she can be happy again.

The next morning, he woke up with the book on his chest... He must have fallen asleep while reading then... But at least that was something right? Sadly he didn't remember what he was reading in the book so he would need to look into it later, but for now he needed coffee and breakfast so he put the book down and headed to the dining room to eat, he quickly found Damian and Jasmine talking there while drinking some hot chocolate with Matthew being heard cooking in the kitchen and Erik... He wasn't all that sure "Erik... What in the world are you wearing?" he asked as his brother walked out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee that he handed to James before quickly heading back in to prepare two more as Matthew had some hot chocolate for himself for the morning.

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