The officer Anderson is here!

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Just to let you all know... The chapters for this fic will be longer so that there can be less chapters to write... So please be patient.

Sam wasn't sure if he should knock on the door right now, sure Damien told him that Mika wasn't living there anymore but he still worried about what might happen, but he still had to see her so with that he knocked on the door, he waited a moment before the door opened to reveal Jasmine in a wheelchair "Sam? Oh my god it is you!" she smiled as she allowed him in, he took a few steps in  and saw that the place changed to help her around, there was a seat set up on the wall so to take Jasmine up and down the stairs, things were set up so they won't bump into her wheelchair and it looked like the place was cleaned up already "Did you hire help?" he asked as she turned to him "Didn't really have a choice with my situation" she replied which made him look down in shame.

He really hated this...

He felt so much regret on not being there to help her with her situation... Or to at least try to reverse it, but that was the past so now he would fix what he didn't do and help her out "You think I can move in here? I really miss living here with you" he said as she turned to look at him with a bright smile that he could tell was good "Of course you can! I missed you and your brother's so much! I don't have visitors minus the help that was hired to care for me and this place to be honest" she explained... Sam felt anger grow slowly within him at that news, no visitors? No friends coming over? Her parents didn't come over? Not even Mika came to see her? What the hell was going on!?

They went into the kitchen for Sam to find no help working on preparing food or cleaning "Where is the help?" he asked making her shrug "I tried calling and they won't answer, right before you got here I was told to wait for them to call back with an explanation as to why the help isn't here" she replied as Sam grew even more angry then before, it wouldn't be long before he breaks something out of his anger as he stomped further into the kitchen and began looking around "There's barely anything to eat! I'll buy some food" he said and then walked out to get to his car and drove off to do as he promised, he texted his brother's everything and the two responded with how they were on there way over at the moment.

Jasmine had been a bit surprised at Sam when he claimed he would go shopping for her... But then again he did take care of the place with his brother's, when the bell rang she thought Sam came back to do something... But she opened the door to find Damien and Matthew on the other side "Oh my god Matthew!" she squealed as they came in, Matthew quickly moved to hug her before they went to the dining table to talk for a bit together while waiting for Sam to return with food "I'm still shocked your alone right now... The help should have come to open the door for us" Damien said making her nod in response "I have yet to have a call from them so I might as well call to cancel them coming over since Sam want's to come back living here" she explained making the two look at her in slight surprise.

Sam wanted to move back here? This was new but then again they also wanted to move back in "Can we move back in too? My ex is still coming back even when I left her and Damien is being stalked at the moment" Matthew explained making Jasmine quickly nod "Of course! There's so much room here that I don't know what to do with it right now" she explained with a smile making the two smile back to her kind words at the moment, with this in the works they would be able to take care of her and be there to protect her while also trying to figure out when she couldn't walk anymore, they kept on talking for a little longer before Sam returned with bags of food and his things sometime later, he unpacked his things while Damien and Matthew took care of the groceries.

Jasmine smiled as she watched the three brother's then begin helping one another with Damien and Matthew's things that they then got back from there old homes to move back into the mansion "It's nice to have the three of you back here... I wonder how Erik and James are doing though" she said making them turn to her in slight surprise... That's right, there two older brother's weren't here anymore but back home, it wasn't fair that she couldn't talk to them but at least they could try to figure something out to help her right? Even so Damien turned away to his room to take care of something leaving Matthew and Sam with her on the main floor, the phone rang making Jasmine answer "Hello?" she spoke as the two incubi brother's watched her "Yes, this is Jasmine Anderson. Can I help you?" she asked as she was then quiet for a moment.

"I see... But you are mistaken, I never permitted the team caring for me to have a break today... In fact I never signed anything to confirm this, they only did a mediocre level of caring for the place and then left early without me knowing... It's why I called yesterday, to ask if something happened to make them leave early in the first place" she spoke making Sam shake in anger as she was quiet once more "Thank you for that... And I actually will no longer be taking on your horrible services as I will be getting proper help starting today... And you will be seeing my lawyers soon" she said before hanging up on the caller which made her then sigh as Matthew walked over to gently massage her temples.

"You did so good with that situation. Were so proud of you" he whispered making her smile in return to his kind words, Damien came back moments later to help prepare them something to eat together, he was certain that they were all hungry right now and needed to eat something so it was agreed on that they eat something simple yet filling to them, once the meal was ready, they sat down together in the living room to eat and relax together making Jasmine smile and enjoy this moment together, she did miss Erik but she mostly missed James as he was the demon she fell in love with, she knew they were out there doing something... But she wished they could be with her right now more then ever before.

When they finished eating, Sam took there plates to wash and then dry them before putting them away... And then the doorbell rang, Jasmine was confused since she wasn't expecting anyone right now so she slowly rolled over to the door with Matthew at her side to answer and find a woman and the team who was hired to clean and cook for her "Can I help you?" she asked kindly as the woman smiled to her "Actually yes miss Anderson, as you can see I brought the crew that you were paying to care for you everyday... We were able to confirm that you never approved of them skipping for today... But we do expect for this weeks check even though you will no longer be wanting our services" she explained with a smile as Jasmine glare "Considering this team you assigned me barely makes an effort to clean or cook and mostly do nothing around the place and often leave early... I believe keeping my money and not paying you is fine... Especially when I had my lawyers sent your way to reclaim the money I wasted on you" she sneered making the woman glare at her in anger.

"HOW DARE YOU!" the woman screamed as the crew looked excited to be paid even though they didn't work hard enough, Matthew glared at them as Sam and Damien came over to protect her "Call the cops!" Sam ordered making her nod and roll away to the phone to make the call, the woman was still yelling about the money while the crew claimed she was lying and that they worked very hard to earn the money, not long after the police arrived to stop everything that was happening and take the woman and the crew away, they did question Jasmine first to hear everything that happened and promised to punish them like they deserve for stealing her money... The door closed and the four went straight to bed for the day.

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