𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1

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"𝘐𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘭𝘺, 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘶𝘱 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯." -𝘉𝘶𝘥𝘥𝘩𝘢


  I never perceived myself to be like everyone else. As a child I never wanted to learn embroidery or manage a household. I would gaze out the window to the boys training with swords, perceiving the thrill of holding a weapon. My fun was soon to be spoiled when an agonizingly old woman stomped over to me and shut the blinds. Effectively displaying my actions were a misdeed.

   At the age of 5 while attending my first royal party I was shoved and collided into the table of entrees. Tears swelled in my eyes at the sight of my mother looking disapprovingly at me and my father and brothers not paying me any mind. At that exact moment laying on the floor caressing the wound on my elbow, only the maids on duty helped me. Making me grasp the disheartening truth that I was all alone. 

  I had set my mind at a young age I wanted to be different. No, I wanted to be extraordinary. Something no one has ever seen before. Maybe it was the desire for my parent's attention, but the feeling was never something I could define.

  I signed away many hours  studying in the large library in the castle. I stole and read books only meant for princes. Yes I knew it was wrong but I was also aware for me to be different I would have to take risks. Due to my status, these are life threatening risks. The first book I got my small hands on seemed overwhelming. It was what the princess's were taught but more in depth and complicated. This brought me to the utter realization , Women do not get the same education as men. My young mind was baffled and confused on why they would do such thing. So I set my first long term goal, to be the smartest person in the kingdom. After class or dinner I would run into my sleeping chamber, and read beginner books. 

   It was Laborious, and due to my constant lack of sleep and leisure time I had gained a reputation to be a Tranquil Princesses that never spoke. I didn't mind, content others would avoid asking questions and striking a conversation. 

 As time passed I had reached my 11th birthday. My mother had stopped throwing me small birthday party's at the age of 9. By 10 she had another son making me more insignificant than I already was . It was my special day so I made a cupcake. I stole a candle and lighter, than dashed to my room. I settled on my large bed cupping the petite bundle of cake and frosting. I closed my eyes, and made a wish.

" I wish for a friend."

 As silly as it sounds, I was alone for 11 years. No one to hold me while I cried or to share happy news too. I was a child trapped in a castle. The walls were my prison and the kingdom was all I knew. As calm and composed I might of appeared, I was distressed. Desperate for a companion. But I knew It was utterly impossible. They would stumble across my secret and inform the higher royals of my misdoings. Princess or not I would be punished, the luckiest outcome would be being beheaded. 

About a week after my despairing celebration I snuck into the classroom and attempted to steal a new book. I had mastered all my personal studies . Finishing almost all my academics , ahead of most in my castle. I decided as a birthday gift to myself I was going to steal a beginners book in magic. These books are only to be read and learned by princes so, late at night I snuck into a private library. I was able to get my hands on 2 books, when the sound of footsteps towards my direction made my heart sink and my eyes grow wide. I attempted to put the books back quickly. But, to my misfortune I was too late.

 I turned around to see a boy my age. maybe a year or two older. He had a mischievous grin placed on his childish face, as he spotted the books on the floor. At that moment I swore I saw excitement flicker in his eyes. I quickly apologized, pretending to be lost but he just laughed and picked up the books I dropped. He looked at the shelf for a moment and picked up two more books. He placed them in my hand and whispered in my ear very unexpectedly.

"These books are best for beginners of magic. Unless your not a beginner of course. But I would argue otherwise due to the basic books you were stealing."

I was in shock and utter disbelief, this boy was helping me with a genuine smile on his face.

" thank you." I had told him quietly.

"So you do speak! I've always seen you running around the halls during leisure time, I had a feeling you were up to something."

I blushed in embarrassment, I had truly believed I was being cautious but I guess I was mistaken. 

"My names Griffin, what's yours?" 

"Angeline" (Angel-Leene)

" Do you want to be friends? the boys are always so full of themselves and the girls are annoying. But you seem perfect for me. I'm loud and you're quiet , were like puzzles that fit perfectly."

I grinned sheepishly at his comment. He wasn't wrong, the girls would talk for all hours of the day. Although I haven't met many boys. I would have loved to have someone who would stick by me so I nodded, but hesitantly. Anyone could pull a trick like this and betray me. He had to gain my trust and I had to gain his.

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  After many months of escapades, trust between us undeniable. As I knew his secrets and he knew mine. Of course, his weren't nearly as unfavorable as mine. We grew close and he helped me study books filled with magical wonders. Magic and sorcery was common but generally amongst men. The few woman who had learned were deceased or powerful enough to protect themselves. The older we grew the more Griffin and I had changed. At 13 My brown hair had turned a light brown, almost a ginger but not quite, and rested below my waist. My bright green eyes had turned a very dark green, while freckles had become more prominent across my nose. I had grown taller but it was nothing compared Griffin. He had not only grown quite tall, his brown hair conflicted with mine and had gotten from a light brown to a dark, almost black, Hazelnut . He had dark blue eyes, they almost looked brown from afar. His hair was wavy, the only thing we physically had in common. Like every other princess I had grabbed attention from other princes, as much as I tried wearing "appropriate" clothing. Griffin would scare away any prince near me making it prominent to everyone that we were friends. Although it wasn't looked down on, it wasn't very common.

 Those bits and pieces lead up to where I am today. 14 and I mastered beginners magic. With griffin by my side and a secret room we had discovered. The Graduation for the Princes were approaching, where they have the choice to pick what powers they master in. Providing me with new opportunities and adventures.

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Thank you for reading my first chapter. I put lots of time towards developing this plot and pushing to create a story that hasn't been written. Therefore, I do not permit any one permission to copy or rewrite my story. Also, yes they do have a British like accent<3. 

The picture for the cover of my book might change frequently, until I'm satisfied. Just letting you know.

 Definitions for my lads that had a bit of trouble;

Perceived- become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand.

Embroidery- The craft of decorating fabric or other materials using a needle to apply thread or yarn.

Misdeed- a wicked or illegal act

Entrees- The main course of a meal.

Disheartening- causing someone to lose determination or confidence; discouraging or dispiriting.

Laborious- Requiring considerable effort and time.

 Leisure- free time

Escapades- An act or incident involving excitement, daring, or adventure

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