𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 7

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"A little progress each day add up to big results." -Satya Nani


"Good morning." I subconsciously told Griffin while waking up.

"Morning, I'm up here." 

I looked up rubbing the tired out of my eyes, to see Griffin at the top of an evergreen conifer.

"Woah how did you get all the way up there?" I yelled up to him using my hands to block the sunlight.

"Are you calling me fat?"

"No, but you are heavy."

"Its because of all these muscles." He told me flexing his muscles.

"Probably." I shrugged.

"Your no fun."

I smiled and patted down my dress. I had removed some layers to give myself more mobility.

"I'm packing everything up and securing it, I doubt well make it through this forest without our belongings snatched."

He started climbing down head first like a squirrel and landed quite easily.

"Did you get that agility from you Pantera crest?"

"Most definitely, I could never do this before."

I nodded and tied hard knots around the chests.

"What are we having for breakfast?"


"Again?!" He whined at me.

"Yes again."

Not going to lie I don't like our choices either but its just for now. Food is food when you escape the only home you've ever known before getting tortured.

"What about the horses?"

" I put a protection spell on them, unless we come across something extremely strong they should be alright."

"Good job Angeline."

"Thank you." I flashed him a grin.

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The horses trotted into the forest, their slow pace showcasing their cautiousness.

The further we trampled into the large bundle of trees, small furry monkeys swished from tree to tree every few seconds. They would shriek a high pitched sound that me feel uneasy. But they felt like whispers compared to a yell that ran though the forest like a large snowball, smashing trees.

"Did a scream just slash through those trees..?"

"I believe so." Griffin told me with humor twisted into his features.

"This isn't the time for jokes you dimwit." I hit him in the back of his head unable to suppress a small smile.

"So should we head towards it and see what it is or keep going?" he whispered to me while rubbing his neck nervously.

"I would say lets keep going but I'm unexpectedly very curious."

He nodded and re directed our path towards the voice.

The closer we got, the more trampled trees became visible.  I tied the carriage to a large thick tree and walked the rest of the distance. The crunch of the branches and leaves felt strangely loud and forced me to take lighter steps. It wasn't until a small light on the floor appeared I stopped.

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