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I woke up and I stared at the ceiling. I heard my aunty crying and I heard some leave the house
I ran into her room
I still wasnt fully recovered but Im good

I saw my aunty staring at her wedding ring in bed and she was balling it was soo peak
Me- Whats Wrong?
Aunty- If I dont pay the house by the end of next month we'll be kicked out. I know that you like it here so you wouldnt want to move back with your parents in Rochdale

Me- Noo

Aunty- We will talk later im going to sleep now

I nodded and walked away

Ever since me and Santana got together I hardly get paid now cos I dnt do dem tings no more
This is maaudd peak but I picked up my phone and called to link Santana

When I was with him

Santana- Is Everything Ok?
Me- Well...
He looked maaudd scaredd but its not that deep.
I was about to say something then his phone vibrated he looked at it I watched him put in his password and there was a picture of some girl on it she was like half naked.
Santana smiled and texted her "Hold on im with some girl I'll be at ur yard ina bit"
He locked his phone quickly
Santana- Continue sorryy
I looked at him with no emotion
Me- Give me your phone
Santana- Why?
Me- Santana Just give me your fucking Phone
I wasnt even pissed
He handed it over
I put in his password
I saw the girl she was clapped she had broken hair her eyebrows were doing the square root of whatever she was staring at but she had body negl.

I scrolled through their chat
I laughed at a couple things. Then I got to one whole paragraph about me "Narhh I dont like her shes just my sidechick youre the main I just needed her coz she had a nice body and shes buff and shes a hoe. How can I love her the way I love you shes just some bitch on the side fuckk her"

I was about to cry when I saw that.

Santana- Yemi Its...
Me- Why?
Santana- You were recovering I couldnt get none init I just had to get something
Me- Why not from Onika Or Eve?
Santana- I dont know.
Me- You can clearly see Im here but youre still linking this girl after this?

I moved away from him
Santana- Yemz please dont be like dis Im so sorry

My eyes started to water
Santana- Are you crying?
I couldnt even speak without bursting into tears I tried to hold it back but then the whole of Niagra Fucking Falls was coming out my eyes
Santana moved closer to me
Santana- Yemz dont cry I'll dump her and we'll still be together. Im sorry I'll never do it again I swear. Mums life. Yemi I love you it was a mistake

And mad bs was leaving his mouth

I looked at him

Me- I love you but narhh
I dashed his phone on the floor got up and left

I went straight to yard
I dropped on my bed and stared at the ceiling for time

Then I got in the bath and I played music.
Wait? Fuck this. Whyy Am I Hyping Over Santana?
I jumped out the bath and put on an oversized Jersey some shorts my parka nd some timbs
I left the house
I called Desire

Desire- Ghost
Me- Sorryy I started dealing
Desire- Oh so why you calling to deny me of your sexy body
Me- No are u on it to link?
Me- Yeahh
Desire- Come my yard den init you can polish my dick Me- Yeah I'll be there soon.

I started routing. Then I bumped into someone
I looked up and it was Santana And His Sidechick

Santana- Are u wearing clothes
I nodded
Santana- Where you going Me- Desires yard
He screwed abit
And I said Bye and walked off

Yemi the sketWhere stories live. Discover now