Untitled Part 21

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Yemis Pov

A bitch got caught slippin. I got sent cunch fam. To some place ive never been. Some boy called Tino whos out For Jordan , Cyrus ans Dalicia sent his boys lurking and they clocked me on my way back from Santanas. They took my phone and texted my aunty so nobody would get suspicious. It was fucking shit! They made me wear some next hoe clothes. I felt powerless and like shit. I had dicks in and out of me nearly every hour. It wasn't even nice. I just wanna go home have a nice bath and invite the squad over then cuddle up with Santana. Its all mad none of us are safe. They're out for the rest of us for association. Its scary. Imagine a big girl like me forever getting rude to people always fighting to feel scared. Id rather get stabbed again than go through that shit again.

Jay and my aunty thought I was asleep but I was just listening to their conversation as I deeped life. When we got home me and Jay went to the bathroom.

Jay- Where have you been!?

Me- I got sent cunch, some Tino boy is out for all of us its all mad I'll explain when everyone gets here.

I got cleaned up and got changed into Santanas top and some joggers.

When everyone got there I explained everything.

Me- Nahh it was scary asf.

Santana- Awh my baby

He huggedd me, I just deeped were still not together. Luke and Eve are officially a tingg noww raah cutee tho.

Jordan- You see Jay, I told you its all mad.

Jay- Yeah I know rah... So what are we gonnaa do?

Dalicia- Well knowing Tino he wont stop but his boys will, my brothers got them on lock I can handle that but Tinos crazy hes on anything. He gets what he wants he will even risk his life tryingg

Onika- How do you know him?

Dalicia- He tried to rape me

Cyrus- What? The guy I bucked in the face at Mcdonalds?

Dalicia- Yeaahh

Tosin- Ngl yeah were on it infact dunno bout you lot but I definitely am. He touched my little sister he can get set for that one

Luke- what we gonna set him??

Jordan- Were gonna have to

Santana- Yeahh Im on that

Jay- I'll back it
Onika- Me too
Eve- samee
Cyrus- Yeahh

Dalicia- CALMM

Me- You already know im on anything

Its a plan hes getting set up. But I dont wanna be responsible for the death of a human so Im not gonna be involved if he gets killed but anything else yeahh Im on that

Everyone stayed at mine coz it was long to go home.

Me and Santana cuddled...

Santana- I missed you

He kissed my neck.
Me- I did too

Santana- Since you got back ive been thinking about what you said... And I wanna be the one who loves and protects you no matter what Yemi will you be my girl again?

Me- Yes Santana I will

He smiled and we lipsed. Then we went to sleep

True say I forgot my password😂 but Im back bitches. Writing this has been fun your comments make me happyy but I think its time for Yemi the sket to come to an end. I dunnoo tell me what you lots think... Should I start a new story or continue this one for a bit moree??
Lovee you all beauties❤️

Yemi the sketDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora