Yemi's flashback- Day 2

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I woke up to someone touching my neck I stiffly moved as I couldnt really move coz I had just woke up.  It was the yg from before. His face lit up as I looked at him.

I touched my nose and I felt dry blood around it. Ahh now I remember what happened.

Yg- Are you okay?

Me- Of course Im not look at me

Yg- I Know... Its a struggle

Me- Why are you here

Yg- These guys thought I was their opp just coz I looked like him — Its that lightskinned one Emz hes the one that thought it and I tried to explain myself but they beat me up Im not about that. Im just a normal guy who does fuckeries in school and chills with my friends and now they wont let me leave

Me- Im skeeting as soon as possible getting fucked up is not the one and fucked by next man

Yg- Ahliee especially when its bares of them that must be disgusting

Me- What do you mean?

Yg- You dont feel it?

Me- Feel what?

Yg- When the mandem run truu you?

I shut my eyes tightly wishing that they would close my ears too. Me? Getting run through by mandems? Nah you're nuts. That's disgusting most of them dont even wash and thats rape Im fucking unconscious. My eyes stung as tears formed in them and my breathing got heavy. The yg tried to comfort me but it wasn't working.

Yg- Calm down Yemi, I got you we're gonna get out soon and...

The door opened and it was Tino. Ffs.

Tino- Wys she's awake yeah?

He walked over to us and crouched down to me.

Tino- I like you, you're a survivor I could do with you as a head girl on my team and nah I dont mean the badders I mean like you could be my right hand man. You've got confidence and you're scrappy I like it. True say my boys even told me that you're fast.

I looked at him and kissed my teeth

Me- Take me home

He laughed in my face then stood back up. I really wanna hit him but that wouldnt be a smart move. He walked back towards the door.

Tino- Ayy Yg you're licking a shot for me in 20 minutes get uck off the yat and bill this for me.

He chucked a benz at him with riz and a lighter just before leaving the room The yg rolled his eyes and looked over at me as soon as Tino left.

Yg- How are we gonna leave?

Me- Sneak me out while licking the shot and we'll just go I dont know get help I dont know

Yg- We cant do that there's nobody here for miles we usually meet people halfway or something. I could try pattern a car or a ped or something so we can get away.

Me- Urmm I dont know think about ways to get out while licking the shot. Look at every possible exit and anywhere we can go.

Yg- Are you gonna be okay on your own?

Me- Im gonna go lock myself in that dingy room I came out from until you come back. Don't leave me okay?

He nodded and gave me a hug. I will get out of here soon. He rolled the zoot and passed it to me.

Yg- Keep that for when times get hard b

I smiled at him, He's so nice. I put it in my pocket and he left. I left the room and went upstairs into the bathroom I saw that pengers white girl she was in the like just fully naked showering. wtf 

Me- Are you not gonna lock the door?

She laughed and shook her head"Nooo its fine they've all seen it"

I looked at her funny, she left and went into the room. I'd be a dckhead if these boys think Im stripping completely naked for an open opportunity to get piped again. Thats not me. I ran water in the sink till it got hot and I got a towel I saw on the side , wet it up and just wiped myself. Now Im gonna be dry ffs. Oh well I washed my face because my nose was dirty. I just wanna go home and Yg is taken 5 flipping years. I went back into the room where the white girl was getting changed 

Tino- Move Celest, you're moving mad 

Oh thats her name. She was bare on him but he was just preeing me yuck man ffs. I walked in and sat on the bed. I looked in the draw for whatever I dunno im so boredd. I wasnt paying attention to anyone till Celest said something that caught my attention.

Me- Sorry?

She quickly finished getting changed and went downstairs. Ofc I followed.

I ran down these shaky steps and caught her by her arm. 

Me- I want you to repeat what you said upstairs. 

Celest- I dont want to 

Me- Well youre gonna have to, you silly bitch. 

I moved my hand from her arm to her hair now. 

Tino- Ngl she called you a black ugly bitch. Dont be pressed you're dankers. 

Me- Thats not even the part that got me, now repeat what you said.

Celest- I just said youre a hoe because you fuck for free, but you are 

So me getting dun out by mandem when Im sleeping makes me a hoe? I gave her a serious bang to her face and I just kept going till Yg came through the door and pulled me off. He dragged me to the back room and dropped me back on the bed. 

Yg- Chill man, She's the mandems fav fighting her can get you in big trouble

Then we heard multiple footsteps come in the room .

It was Tino Pablo and Emz.

Pablo- Say swear youre scrapping Celest. 

I side eyed yg and he did to me too. 

Me- Yes and 

Tino- See we need a girl like you, you know you buss open her face like bare blood and that.

Me- Thats her business. 

Tino- You're gonna go with Yg to lick your first shot okay get ready youre leaving in 15. 

Me- No-

Yg- Shut up aint tryna hear nothing about no, GET READY.

The boys looked at him and they started gassing him cos he did a good job or suttin.I just looked at him shocked. When the other 3 left.

Yg- Dont say no, thats our ticket home.

I looked at him and smiled.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 02, 2018 ⏰

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