Last Day

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Last day today yes man needs a break still im gonna jam with my squad im talking girls and boys.

So I get on the bus but nobody except Yemi was there.

Yemi- Were late and we got assembely

Me- I cba for assembly.


The squad was downstairs coming up

Onika- Jordz Yemz wht u saying

Santana- My Big Batty Baby girl!!

Today everyone seemed good and ting we rolled into assembly like a half wasted squad

It was the Head Of Year 11

Shit man!

Hoy- All of you DETENTION To my office now you will not be leaving at 12:30 today!

So were all walking to the office next thing yoy know

Hoy- Deesha Kruz! To my office!

The girl from the shisha longue the buff one. Shit!! Shes bufff but shes flat


Yes! I transferred to Jordans school! Not for him but for Beyonce she needs a little bit of backing with these clapped shits!

Time to work my magic

I was behind Jordan. I smacked his arse

Yemi- Dont touch my bum

They laughed like something was funny

Jordan- Rts dont touch me tho you clapped donkey

Me- Erm anyways so how are you b

Jay looked at me and pushed my face so i dropped on my bum and it was raining today so I got dirty.

I got up and flicked my hair. 

Me- Dont ever faakin touch meh!


These bitch was trying to move to my jordan! Hes mine shes ugly and shes one of them annoying bitches who have them high pitched voices! She was wearing some high ass heels her lace front was atrocious and she had some clapped fake michael kors handbag.

Deesha- Dont faakin touch meh

Me- I just did and what.

Deesha- Clapped shit...

Me- Dont get rude just fall back like your lace front

She flicked her hair and walked off.

Eve- Urgh who was that!?!

Jordan- Some girl who tried to move to me in the shisha longue

He sounded kinda happy about it tbh

Me- Y u so happy?

Jordan- Coz shes got good taste

She thinks im buff

Onika- you best not try shit with her coz the only girls ur fucking other than Jay is me eve nd idk about Yemi

Santana- I dnt think so

They laughed

Jordan- right! I wont I wont


Im kinda feeling Deesha still like I been hearing couples tings bout her. Like how her fucking game is 10000 like rah shes good but me nd Jay are close to dealing I really like her and all but im not  hers so I can do what. Shes not my mum she cant tell me what to do.

Outside man lyk head of years office I was preeing Deesha.

Jay- Jordan! Can I talk to you?

I went to her

Me- What?

Jay- Are you feeling Deesha or something the way youre staring at her like...

Me- why do u care

Jay- coz I..

Me- Dont watch what I do int

She looked hurt I felt bare bad 

She walked off.

Yemi- Whats going on? Jay!?!

She ran after her

Eve- Jordan! What did u do

Me- Nothing

Deesha- seems like you got relationship problems

Eve- urgh shut up

Me- But anyways I didnt do nothing to her

Onika- Whats wrong with her then!?!

Me- leave me the fuck alone man

I walked away

Stay Tuned For The Next Chapter Ok Shits Gna Go Down

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