Yemi's flashback - Day 1

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I woke up in a room with a girl beside me. I have to say this was the cleanest room in the yard like it wasnt the best but it was clean.

I got up out the bed and my legs were so sore. I found my joggers and put them on and my shoes too just in case I get a chance to blow out

I looked at the girl next to me and she was in a bra and some shorts she was cuddling her little bag. She was a beautiful white girl, she was kinda thick. She looked eastern European. I opened the door and the smell of weed and BO just ran up my nostrils. Boys are so dirty.

The house sounded empty but I crept downstairs and every man was conked... I tip toed to the door and I slowly took of the latch... And jiggled the handle its fucking locked. I kissed my teeth and looked around the room... Okay theres a kitchen so there has to be a back door. I crept over and quietly went inside. Only to see that there was 3 boys in there bagging up food. One of them looked like a baby wtf hes a kid whats he doing?! The other two looked quite older.

Their attention turned to me. I stared blankly at them.

" That's that Yemi girl ahliee" A lightie with a beard spoke

I screwed up my face bare saying my name like were gee's. Then the darkskinned baby face laughed. "Ayy Cee shes rude uno"

Cee- Lets see how shes gonna act when Im giving her wood

My eyes widened quite largerly and the yg laughed. He reminds me of Luke's little brother.

"Anyways Im Milo, this is my brother Cee and this is just yg" The darskinned babyface said.

I fake smiled and raised my eyebrows. I Scanned the room and found the back door. It was boarded up with planks of wood but from the inside so it would be harder to break it off.  I sighed. Im basically trapped unless I jump out the window. from my floor which was never happening Id rather stay here than die.

I could just here the boys waffling in the background I glanced at them and they were looking at me like they were waiting for an answer.

Me- What? were you speaking to me?

Milo- Yeah I asked why youre up so early

Me- Because I realised im not in my bed and wanted to go home to it

Cee- I'll take you to  a comfortable bed.

Me- No thanks but you can take me home

I rolled my eyes.

Milo- You're fucked leave it

Cee- Nah come

He started walking towards me and I pushed him away. I walked around the circular table that they were bagging the food up on.

Milo- Cee chill man

Cee- Nahh plus she just pushed man

Milo- Its the morning man for fuck sake

Cee- So are you really tryna get deaded in the morning dickhead

He semi shouted as he pulled out a flicky and put it to the boys neck.

Milo- Do you init ma chill. All Im saying is its the morning.

The Cee guy moved and pointed the flicky to me my heart felt like it was scrapping my chest. It was beating so hard and fast.

Cee- Keep quiet and walk there

He pointed to another door in the kitchen and I walked towards there. He followed shortly after and opened the door. It was a small dingy room and there was a mattress and hella doms on the floor. My eyes began to water because the smell in here was dirty! It was choking me how can a house be so dirty. I looked back that cee guy and shook my head. I looked into his eyes and I could just see anger lies and deceit in them. I was so scared. Then I felt my self falling onto the floor. I hit my hand on the floor so hard I fel like I snapped a bone. I began to cry out in loud shrieks of pain and I was quickly silenced by the slamming of Cee's hand onto my face he pushed  me onto the bed. He put me face down and held it down like he was choking me. I wanted to cry the dirtness of this mouldy mattress was burning my skin. He lifted me up and pushed my head down.

I was crying but no one could hear except the boys in the kitchen. Why me what did I do ffs. He punched me in the back of my head and I just dropped flat on the mattress. I just felt  rush of heat from my nose... great now I got a nose bleed. He looked at me and finally bussed his nut.

My eyes felt heavy I was really struggling to keep them open. Lord help me. I saw a boy open the door and run in. Thats all I saw.

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