Glo Gang Pt2

905 21 4


Then out of nowhere bare fireworks started coming out of nowhere nigga I ran like mauudd.

I heard Yemi scream

Yemi- Fuck you Beyonce!!

How the fuck did she do this

Jay- Yemi!!

Then I got outside but bare ppl starting snapchatting

Saying shit like Glo Gang was banging till they put fireworks in the place and shit like dat.


Shitt man

This was fucking scary thoo

Outside Yemi and Jay were beating up this girl like mauud

I got closer then it was Beyonce

She getting bare beats

Bless but ohh well

People were shouting and that

Some convent girls broke it up.

(A/N: The fireworks and stuff ac happened)

Anyways Yemi And Jay were maudd pissed.

Then Jays bro got there. His names DaShaun

Dashaun- Jay wats wrong

Jay- She tried to fucking kill me

Dashaun- What the fuck! Who!

He buss out a gun

Dashaun- Who tried to kill my sister

Yemi- Her!

She pointed at beyonce

Dashaun- Are you dizzy bludd

Some newman boys shouted Feds!! Every one ducked. We jumped into the car and left asap.

Eve- Beyonce Is Fucking mad ya na! Nah Im not having it tried to kill Jay and Yemi ya no! Fuck it watch Ima get my whole east squad on her.

Yemi- Yes Eve who the fuck does she think she is

Dashaun- Jay I swear if that girl ever comes near you again holla at me and ill deal with her init

Jay- Safee

Dashaun- Sugaabatty with Tongue piercing

Yemi- Who me

Dashaun- yeah if she touches u just holla at me too yeah. And holla at me when your single.

Jay- DaShaun!

Dashaun- Sorry Boss

Jay- Sorry Yemi

Yemi- its Ite

She laughed there was an awkward silence and Santana was screwing

Me- anyways

Onika- If theres a second glo gang fuck dat we aint backing it ok?

Eve- Yeah

Luke- Yeah I aint tryna be a burnt nigga

Tosin- Especially by fireworks

Me- How is school gonaa be with beyonce

Jordan- We only got a week left init

Santana- Yeah

Jordan- We just need to swerve her and if she wants beef give her what she wants.

Onika- im gna mash her up fof she touches me and im talking Yemi and Jay Vs Iu girls

They laughed

Yemi the sketWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt