What happened to Yemi pt2

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Few Days Later

I was asleep in jordans bed. Then my phone rang

Me- Ayy man why you waking me up

Yemz- Ca..can you come get me?

Me- Yemi? Whos number is this

Yemz- Just come get me at the police station please

Me- Yeah ina bit

Yemz- Be quick please

Me- I'll try

I hung up the phone how the hell is Yemi at the police station like I ain't seen this girl for like three days yeah and out of nowhere she calls me and she's like come get me from the station she's crazy what did she do now anyways I woke up Jordan I got in the bath and got dressed into my all black nike tracksuit and my Airmaxes

Me- Im gonna go pick up Yemi from the station with aunty B

Jordan- You're with Aunty B and ur dressed like a road girl

Me- Bummy day not road girl
I laughed I kiss his cheek and left.
When we were in the car.

Aunty B - Have you got any idea why Yemi is at deh police station

Me- Noo I havent seen her for like 3 days

Aunty B- She said she was staying with you

Me- No Ive been at my boyfriends all weekend

Aunty B- oh

We pulled up to the police station Nd aunty b had to sign some papers Yemi was let go

Shiiiitt. She looked disgusting. She had cuts and bruises
She had no make up and her hair was a mess.

Her tracksuit was all ripped and her airforces were fucked creases and dirt!

Me- Yemz?

She looked at me lifeless.

Yemi- Its not safe Jay.

Me- Whats not safe.

She walked to the car.

She got in the back seat and slept

Aunty b- The officer said she was in life threatening conditions when she was found so they took her to the hospital then put her in a holding cell.

I was maudd confused

Aunty B- He asked if you knew anybody called Cyrus Montana Dalicia Fox and Luke Curtis

Me- Yeah I know them so do you their Yemi's friend

Aunty B- I could understand his bad english

I laughed

Aunty B- You know me my english is sexy noting like these silly british men

We laughed

Aunty B- Joks eside they were involved in a serious accident

Me- Huh?

Aunty B- I was not told in detail but Yemi and those 3 are not safe and i fear you Joden oneka and tosen arent eder

Yemi the sketWhere stories live. Discover now