Chapter 5

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    The rest of game night went pretty well. Maya offered/forced me to be her partner but I didn't want to embarrass myself or give anything away so I declined and took up the position of GAME SHOW HOST.

I didn't really say much to Maya until the end of the night.

I was thinking about how it would be like if we were something, Maya and I. But I realized that we couldn't be together no matter what we wanted. We couldn't be together because of age.

I was almost 17 and she was almost 13.

"Maya, you do understand I'm too old for you?" I said sympathetic.

"I do Josh, I know that." She replied, with a lot of confidence. Which surprised me.

"Good." I said.

"But I'm in it for the long game." She said.

We both laughed at that. Her golden hair seemd to compliment her blue eyes.
I wonder if she knows how I feel about her... these thoughts blinded my head like a blizzard. What if I ever confessed my feelings to Maya or Riley, if they didn't already know.

    Maya didn't stay tonight. I suppose she needed to go home, although if I were her I'd stay here. I slept on the couch and recalled the night before, but I know I should really stop. Nothing will ever happen between us.

    Maya hasn't been back all weekend, which makes me wonder if she's alright. Although I probably shouldn't worry since the Matthews don't seem concerned, but I just can't help it.

I have to leave today and I'm sad. I not only have to leave New York, Maya, and the Matthews, but I have to go back and face reality.

"Topanga," I said.

"Yes?" She replied so kindly that made me dread leaving this place even more.

"I'm scared to go back." She reached to give me a hug.

"I know, and it'll be okay. You're always welcome here and we can always be there in a flash."



"I should probably get going."

"Bye Josh and don't forget about dinner in 3 weeks."

"Bye and I definitely won't forget about it."

    I was now on the road. I just left New York and was in Pennsylvania. What was left of the snow had now melted and it was starting to look warmer. My car smelled like a mix of guitar, violin, and trumpet. Which was odd because the band hadn't traveled in this car in awhile.

    My house was in the distance and my heartbeat was changing rapily fast. I didn't want to come back. I wasn't ready. I think Mr.Feeny could tell what I was feeling.

"It'll be fine, Mr.Matthews. They aren't going to punish you." Mr.Feeny said.

"How would you know that?"

"They've been coming to me for advice everyday since the day you born, and even before that."

"So... you bailed me out?" I asked.

"I wouldn't call it that. I just think you have potential." He said and then I heard footsteps.

"Josh we need to talk to you." My dad said. I turned to Mr.Feeny.


"Anytime, Mr.Matthews."

I walked into the Kitchen and took a seat.

"Although we are very angry with you," my mom started off "we have decided to have faith in you if you pick up your schoolwork."

"Great, deal!" Wow, thanks Mr.Feeny. They were being so understanding about this "Is this all?"

"Sort of," My dad said

"What do you mean sort of?"

"We're taking away your violin for a week." Mom said.

I let out a huge sigh.

"Okay." And then I walked to my room without hearing another word from them.

My violin had already disappeared from my room.

    My parents really know how to punish me.They know that the violin is my life and soul. It's like breathing. I need to breathe to stay alive, well I need to play my violin to stay alive.

I needed Will.

So I called him.

"Hey Will, I need a violin asap."

"Sure, what happend to yours?"

"My parents took it away can we meet somewhere?"

"Sure, do just want to meet at the usual place?"

"Sure and I'll tell you the whole the story there."

"Great, bye."


I escaped through the window and climbed down the tree house to meet Will.

I haven't seen him in awhile which is why I'm even more happy to see him tonight.


Authors note ~ The next chapter is showing the friendship between Joshua and Will. It will also talk about Maya and may or may not include her in the dialog (I don't want to give anything away).

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