Chapter 1

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Author's note- I was twelve when I started writing this so there are probably a lot of typos sorry about that.
It's Christmas Day and my parents am I are going to my brothers house to celebrate Christmas. I haven't seen him, my sister in law, or my niece and nephew since Thanksgiving. I also haven't seen Maya either. Maya was Riley's best friend. She was practically family to me, which is why it was wrong to feel more.

"Josh! Oh, watch the road!" My mom yelled at me, but my dad was here to defend me.

"Oh Amy, give him a break he hasn't been driving for very long." I just got my license a few months ago.

New York was beautiful. The snow gracefully fell from the sky. It sparkled as it landed upon the people walking around the city. The piles of snow weren't that different from the ones at home, only here there are huge buildings that look like they're about fall on you and there are so many cars, I'm glad I'm not claustrophobic.

We finally reach the apartment and I see Maya walking into the apartment. Maya's here? Of course she would be here, she's family. Family is never forgotten, whether blood or not.

"I'll go park the car and you can get out now." I say to mom and dad.

"Don't scratch the car." My dad tells me.

"Why? Is it because you don't want a SURPRISE!" I love teasing him about it and deep down I think he loves being teased. He laughs and walks up to the building.

I end up finding a parking spot 2 blocks away. Morgan always seems to find a good parking spot, I wish she was here.

What about Eric? Well after last years fiasco I don't think we mind his missing presence.

Last year Christmas was held at my house and Eric wanted to help with dinner. Mom said no because last time he almost set his house on fire and it's also common sense not to let Eric help with food.

But after Eric begged for hours, at least that's what it felt like, and I encouraged my to give him a chance mom she agreed he could help with the mashed potatoes.

"All you have to do is put these chopped potatoes into the bowl on the stove, and DON'T touch the stove."

"Mom, that was last week, let it go.

You gotta love Eric.

My mom and Topanga left the kitchen to take a break from cooking. I went to the tree house. I may be too old for a tree house but I've made it work for a 16 year old. This year we didn't get any snow and it was really warm for December.

While I was up there Riley introduced me to Maya. Maya's face got all pink and she was giggling like a child would. I don't mean to sound cocky or anything like that but it was pretty obvious she was attracted to me.

Riley and Maya climbed up into the tree house.

"Hope you don't mind if you join us?" Riley asked.

"Come on in." I said.

Riley on the radio. Some song by Eddy Bearon, or eds sharn, or was it Ed share on, I honestly don't know who it was but they seemed to like it. Riley especially liked it, she did her crazy and wacky dance move that she always does when she's happy.

"Riley!" Mr.Feeny yelled from the other side of the fence.

"You didn't tell me your grandpa lived next door." Maya said. I laughed which made her embarrassed because her cheeks were a slight pink color.

"He's not my grandpa, he's just a family friend."

"Oh." Maya said.

"I've got something for you." That made Riley move like a bullet.

"A present?" She asked in excitement.

Mr.Feeny said it was inside so they both went inside to retrieve it.

Maya. Had gotten up and picked up a book from my bookshelf.

It was my poetry book titled 'A thousand words in one universe'

That one was my favorite poetry book.

She turned page after page captivated by this masterpiece.

"You like it?" I asked.

"What? Poetry ? No way?" She liked it, it was obvious.

"You can keep it."

"I don't need to keep a book I don't like." She replied and put the book back.

"Well if you want it it'll be on the table." I said picking up the book and setting it down on the table.

"Maya dinner's ready." Riley yelled from below.

"Okay, I'm coming."

"It'll be right here " I said and she seemed face intrigued by the idea but her mouth did not.

Inside the book I left a note. Then I went to dinner.

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