Chapter 15 - snow

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I thought Maya was going to be gone for awhile, but she came back. I don't really think she had a choice either. Today was Mother Nature's choice. Cory hadn't even been 10 minutes away when it started snowing harder than anything he's ever seen in his life. Cory wanted to keep going but Topanga made him turn back (thankfully). They were just going to stay here until the roads cleared up, but little did they know that would take a long time.
    Maya arrived flawless. She had melting snowflakes in her hair and mittens to warm her hands. I was happy to have her back. It also made me a little nervous too, but I've always felt nervous around her. I don't want anything to change between us but I know it will.
"Hey, Maya." I say with a shaky voice.
"Hi, Josh." She says with a small smile.
"UNCLE JOSH," Riley walks through the door covered in snow reaching for a hug, but I quickly reject due to the snow.
"No thanks, I like being warm and less snow covered." I say.
"Oh Josh," Maya says, " I'm warm and less snow covered." As she says this my heart freezes. She walks slowly towards me with her arms wide open and she gives me a hug. She hugs me like she normally does. I have never hugged back of course, but today I do and Riley notices that. She doesn't say anything but I know she will say something to either Maya, or me, or the both of us.
We both release from the hug.
"Maya we should probably get settled and in our pajamas because I think we'll be staying here tonight." Riley says. It was already eight and the snow was going to continue through the night. It was predicted to be one of the worst snowstorms in 20 years.
"Yeah, I guess so." She says. They both walk away.
I'm still pretty tense after that hug. It made me so so so so happy that I could finally accept a hug from Maya. My life has had some ups and downs up to this point but I finally feel like I'm heading in the right direction and things are finally good again. I'm doing my best to forget about Louisiana and to look forward to my future.
I head to my room and fall asleep. I don't wake up in the middle of the night to see Maya or to watch the snow fall or look at the stars. I would normally do that but I haven't done it lately. College has really changed me. I've met some great people and had some experiences that have benefited me for good reasons.
The next morning I wake up to snow still falling. I really hope that Maya, Riley, Auggie, Cory, and Topanga left when it stopped snowing earlier this morning. Wait... did it even stop snowing? I walk to the window and look out.
"Wow that's a lot of snow." I say to myself. It was almost tall enough to enter my treehouse. Thank goodness I emptied it before I left for college.
I hear footsteps behind me and then a voice.
"Josh, did you hear?" Maya says and I turn around. "We're snowed in."
"Hear? It's hard not to see I mean look at it." I laughed a little.
"Yeah oh well," She says, "At least I have a reason to stay here longer." She smiles.
"The next few days are going to be lots of fun." I say as we both walk out the room.
I'm kind of nervous about staying here the next few days with Maya. I mean I like her a lot, but I've beard stories of people becoming sick of each other after spending a certain amount of time together and I don't want that to happen to us. I hope we can get through the next few days.


Hey everyone!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)
In my next chapter you're really going to get to know Maya and Josh. I also plan on mentioning Lucas and what happened to him and Maya. So I hope you have that to look forward to :) I'm going to try to have this posted by Saturday night.
I also want you all to know that when you comment on my most recent chapter telling me to update it really encourages me to update. It's the reason why I started adding to this story again.
So sorry for this boring author's note but that's really all I have to say.
GeorgiaHeart ❤️

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