Chapter 12

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"I like beauty," she spoke to me "Beauty is the one thing that never dies."

"But haven't you ever heard of flowers? They die." I objected.

"True, but they always come back. Beauty is in everyone and everything. It never goes away and if it seems to disappear for sometime then you just have to look harder." Louisiana finished.

"That's deep." I said, and I wasn't joking. I had learned a lot more about Louisiana since we first started dating and one of them was she shares her most inner thoughts with the ones she cares most about. I also learned that I had become one of them.

"Come on, lets go. Class is about to start." She said. We had just watched the sun wake up and join our side of the world a minute ago and now we were jogging to class.
After class I went to Topangas.

"Hey Josh." I was greeted by Maya's mom Katy.

"Hey." I said.

"Would you like anything?" Maya is what I wanted, but I told her I didn't want anything.
I still like Maya, but I'm not suppose too. That's the thing, the only issue.
I see Riley and Maya stomp into the room. Maya chooses a seat across from me without realizing it. Then Riley sits next to me and Maya.
Maya puts her head down and slumps in the chair. Her hair covers part of her face. I don't say anything but I could see tears streaming down Maya's face.
After while I turn to Riley and gesture her to come to the other side of the room. She follows.
"Is Maya alright?" I asked. Riley glanced at Maya and then said to me, with a half smile, "Lucas did something. Something he normally wouldn't do." She said.
"What did he do?" I asked.
"Look I don't want to get into it right now. I'll tell you later, okay?" Before I had the chance to answer she started walking back to Maya.
"Okay," I said to myself.
After awhile Maya eventually left. Riley had to go a few hours earlier for a class project, but Maya didn't seem to mind.
I watched Maya from across the room the whole afternoon, which I know sounds kinda creepy but it really wasn't. She just slept, all afternoon. Maya's mother didn't notice the pain Maya was feeling because Maya didn't like to show pain. She hid her pain as if it was under a blanket playing hide and seek.
I would never tell Maya this but sometimes I feel like we're the same. We could finish each others sentences. We could figure out the others' mind.
That's Maya and me.

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