- vol 22. -

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1472 words

The sound of bullets was roaring in the air louder and louder, with each passing moment. All voices and noises were deafened for a brief minute, and hearing was slowly regained over the course of few seconds. Gunshots are meant to violently explode and expell energy immediately, making them even more dangerous in villains hands. Mr Solovyov mercilessly smiled, enjoying the scene while every other person in that room was dying, one by one. Heart ripping view, yet it thrilled him even more. Aurora was safely hidden behind her human shield - Ivan, when Nessa, on the other hand, was bravely firing back side by side with Alek "Stop" Rory mewled like a hurt kitten, tugging on Ivans shirt "Vanya, make it stop" she whimpered now louder, drawing his attention "people are dying can't you see? What if that man had a woman he loved? What if that woman was me?" Rory begged, not being able to shout on her own. The man nodded, keeping her close when suddenly "Everyone put the fucking guns down! I'm not even kidding! We have an entire bomb hidden under this floor if you don't surrender now I won't hesitate to press the button!" Ivan barked loudly, pulling out a fake remote which was meant for playing with toy cars "I don't have anything to lose and nor do you! If we all die then at least let it be in Ars Moriendi style" he spoke like a poet even now, lowering his tone once he noticed other people obey him. Suddenly Alek pulled his brother by the collar and murmured quietly "What the fuck are you doing Ivan?" and as a responce he got "relax, darling, no one is dying today" he purred calmly looking around. his finger was now laid on the button, holding the remote tightly in his hand "Vanya, stop this scene goodness! We all know you don't have the guts for this" Mr Solovyov finally spoke up, slowly getting up again, however, Ivan's eyes turned cold and lifeless. The promising spark was rapidly fading away as he glared at the man in front of him "Oh do I, Papa?" Vanya smirked, pressing the button, yet not lifting his finger.

Suddenly, everyone shifted including his father "Fuck! Ivan!" Alek shouted, pulling Nessa closer into his arms, while Mr Solovyov grinned wickedly "huh, someone is a fast learner?" he spoke but Ivan didn't flinch, continuing to share a murderous glare with his beloved papa "what do you want?" the old man practically whispered, giving in lastly... which only made Ivan burst into laughter "ah look at you, can't you get any more pathetic? You don't deserve the title of the Great Mafia boss! I am a boss here!" he half shouted, making Aurora wince in his arms. She's never seen him act this way. In such a cruel and terrifying way. her little cold hand gently slipped into his one, holding it when his tone immediately changed. Ivan tightened his grip, not letting her go as he continued "On your knees" his fathers eyes widened. Blood was boiling inside of him, intoxicating his mind completely as he growled through gritted teeth "Only when I die" it didn't take Alek nor Nessa long enough, till they aimed their guns at him "okay" Nessa casually replied and Alek chuckled joining her "Shall I repeat myself? on your knees" Ivan spoke, his tone turning more venomous "Fucking bastard" Mr Solovyov hissed quietly, eventually ending up on his knees. He was worried about his life, frankly, in his place everyone would do the same thing. A victorious smirk, started to form in the corner of Ivans lips as he looked around "I'm your new boss now! Bow to your new King or die in torments" he announced proudly watching everyone surrender along with his dad whose head was now hanging low. In a split second Mr Solovyov was standing cuffed and tightly secured in guards grip while Aurora smiled weakly, squeezing Vanyas hand. Nessa and Alek's lips were already colliding in a kiss, causing a pair of titters escape from Rory's mouth "We won" Vanya finally purred into her ear, gently pressing his nose against Aurora's cheeks "whoever ruined your pretty face will pay for it-..." he got cut off as Sonya's lips brushed against his subtle round ones "shh they will but not now" she whispered looking up at him and gasping playfully "ah! look who's smiling again?!" Sonya chirped, scrunching up her nose teasingly; Vanya, on the other hand, shook his head, chuckling in disbelief "I love you" he finally murmured, loud enough for Nessa to hear. both - Vanessa's and Sonya's - eyes widened in surprise "i'm sorry? I didn't catch it? Can you say that once again?" Sonya continued to taunt him when suddenly a loud squeak leaked in the space between them. Ivan scooped the girl up and spun around holding her tightly "help!" Aurora chirped, laughing happily while reaching her hands out towards Nessa "nu uh, I have my own treasure here" the brunette winked, giggling "Ivan if you hurt her I'll become the new Mafia Boss!" Nessa added giggling, yet before she could even finish, Alek had her thrown over his shoulder as well "you wish!" He chuckled, spanking her ass hardly "ALEK!"

The dangerous couple walked out of the house and checked the outside premises for any danger. "ill go in the back with this little one." alek spoke as he opened the back door and finally let vanessa down to get in. aurora gets in the front seat as ivan gets back in his driver seat. the dark night was making its appearance as they were approaching the hotel. "sooo we going somewhere or something?" nessa asked curiously hoping she they werent just going to go to bed after everything. "sweetheart you're covered in blood. literally i mean." rory chuckled as she purred and turned around, resting her chin on the boys shoulder "Vanya what do you say?" ivans eyes were lifted to the rear mirror to look at alek "aleksander?" aleks head snapped to the mirror and back to vanessa "babe?" nessa rolled her eyes as she puffed out a sigh "so the decision is still back to me..wow." the girl looked at everyone, and in the mirror for ivan as he was still driving, "i say we go out." her lips turned into a smile as she sat back "you want me dead" rory murmured  spotting everyone chuckling as the car just got parked, "me and aurora will go to our rooms and we will meet you guys somewhere." nessa said as the two girls got out. vanessa looked like a total hot mess, her hair still slick back and straight, makeup a bit smudged around the eyes and blood all over the dress and her chest, whilst aurora looked like a total cute softie, messy hair in a bun, lipstick a bit smudged and her dress still showing off her curves "Sonya-" Ivan shouted for her but the sisters linked arms and walked over to their rooms, not giving the boys a chance to speak as they were in a hurry. "seems like you and alek made up." aurora began the conversation, vanessa looked down and shrugged as they got in the lift, "i mean.. i think we have, i love him to bits but i don't want to be together right now.." aurora knew to well she was hiding something. "vany what are you saying?" her eyebrows narrowed as she looked down at vanessa, "there's someone." nessa quickly got it out as the bell just dinged in time for them two to get out "what?!" Aurora's eyes widened in surprise as she looked down at her brunette little sister "you are telling me everything, right now!" the blonde demanded, walking out of the elevator and immediately bumping into someones chest "I- I'm sorry" she stuttered lifting her eyes just to notice a tall male figure, dressed in black suit "Ms Aveiro, Ms Regulus. Me, Sasha, and my friend Edgar were sent here to guard you" he spoke in a low and raspy voice, his thick accent could he heard from miles away. Aurora swallowed her pride for a second and stood there frozen "We'll lead you to your rooms, each of you ladies will have a seperate one. no worries however, there's a door linking your apartments, so you will be able to see each other." Sasha spoke calmly taking Aurora's hand, while Edgar took care of Nessa. once both of the girls were safely hidden in their rooms, getting ready, few soft pounds escalated in Rory's room. Nessa was smiling too hard now, she would always get excited when someone showed how much they wanted to protect her, "Aurora this is my dream."

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