- vol. 13 -

16 2 0

1257 words

vanessas & aurora pov


the two couples got into the limousine as the boys wrapped one of their arms around their girls neck, alek looked down at vanessa and bit his lip as she scrolled through her phone liking and commenting on her friends posts. "you look gorgeous tonight.." aleksander whispered into the girls ear admiring her attractiveness, vanessa smirked with her narcissistic attitude feeling herself tonight as if nothing bad will happen to her or to her loved ones "thank you mr. solovyov." she gave a small wink as the driver parked the limousine and helped the girls get out. vanessa grabbed her sisters arm, linking together and swaying her hips as her ears discovered the music playing. quite frankly spanish remixes were playing across the entire club as she walked in with aurora and felt everyone looking at them and drooling over the girls body. alek and ivan soon came behind them and snaked their arms around their waists holding them close as everyone noticed even the guards. vanessa watched aurora and ivan dancing as alek got the drinks for him and her "heres your martini." the gentleman said with lust in his eyes as he took a sip of the devils drink. the girls looked around curiously, wondering where would they take them. it came clear once they saw few tables meant for billiards and 8 pool. people tend to say it's a game made for man and girls who play it are easy-going, however, it's a major lie. Aurora loved playing it when she was a child. she always used to win her brothers.

her face lit up yet she pretended to hide her grin and act confused „pool? seriously?" Rory asked looking up at Ivan, who had eyes filled with excitment. Ivan looked down at her and nodded „deadly serious" he replied smirking as he glanced at his brother, sharing this 'i am about to destroy you' look. Nessa and Rory had difficulties catching up „Can I have a drink?" Nessa asked and Rory joined „yes me too please" she murmured, both looking up at their men. Ivan pulled his credit card out of the pocket and handed it to Aurora „your wish is my order rybka" she smiles widely and stands on her tippy toes, leaning closer to peck his lips „spasibo Vanya (thank you Vanya)" he smiles back at her, which seems to surprise both Nessa and Alek. Rory takes Vanessas hand and pulls her closer „did he just-.." she asked grinning teasingly „shush yes let's goo" Rory whines pulling her towards the bar, leaving men to themselves. Nessa orders both of them drinks using Ivans card. Rory helps her carry the drinks back to the boys, saving a non alcoholic one for herself. when they got back, boys were already holding two pairs of wooden sticks handing each girl one „are you familiar with the rules?" Alek asks and Nessa replies „No not really, but you could teach me" she gently takes her lip between her teeth, flashing a wink to the light skinned man as he clears his throat, sucking in a breath „why don't we begin? showing makes it much easier to explain" Alek insisted and Nessa skipped over to him, observing the way his veiny hands rested on table, showing how to properly hold a stick „I still don't understand" she whines out on purpose leaving him no choice but to tower over her petite body, taking her hand in his one. his nose nuzzled in her neck as he explained the rules while Sonya and Vanya watched them, tittering quietly „please have mercy on me, I am Nessa kind of player" Sonya mewled looking up at Ivan as he chuckled, shrugging „I'll gladly teach you a lesson before playing" her cheeks flushed red when he said so as she continued to play the role of clueless little girl, when in reality she made a lot of man lose in a fair game with her.

after few more minutes Alek finally decided to announce the beginning of their game. they were going to play 2 against 2 which means one side makes a move, then the other one and only team players change. Alek went first, scoring the full round ball into the hole, which means it's their teams balls now. Next was Sonya. she bent down, adjusting the stick as she tries to poke the ball, yet misses it „I'm sorry" she purred, curving her lips into a pout and looking up at Ivan innocently „it's okay rybka, we'll get there" he grins assuring her as now came Nessa's turn. she scored yet another ball for their team „ah! yaay!" the girls cheered happily, exchanging high fives. Ivan now, he of course gets few in a row „owie we get it you are a pro" Alek says and rolls his eyes as Ivan smirks proudly. Sasha tried to find the best position for his stick and once he did Ivan fake coughed, making the stick slip out of his grip „Fucking asshole!" Alek barks but he only chuckles „not my fault your palms are sweaty" Rory and Nessa join him, giggling quietly. here came Sonya's turn again. she takes a deep breath, focusing on the balls as in a split second she scored nearly all of them, leaving the black eight for the end. Ivans jaw drops as he watches her „novichkam veziot (noobs are lucky)" Sonya shrugs it off, smiling innocently as now was Nessa's turn.

vanessa walked over feeling the music through her body and letting it escape, the girl positioned herself making sure her back was arched properly whilst pushing the cue stick getting the rest of the balls as a smile filled her pink cheeks and turned around, her long hair wrapping around her hips as she walked back to alek leaving a peck on his lips. however, ivan rolled his eyes and brightly asked with a sigh before "who wants to eat something?" everyone agreed as they left the cue sticks and the snooker table. alek kept his arm tightly wrapped around vanessa as they were looking for a table to sit "how about that one?" aurora point at a lather seat booth with a dim light the boys nodded as they headed there and the girls ordered drinks and some food. as the two sisters began walking to their table, ivan and alek smirked at the noticing the beauty on the outside and inside. meanwhile alek moved out for aurora and vanessa to join them "so whats the occasion today?" rory asked as she raised her glass as well as nessa smiling together proudly of the boys "does it have to be an occasion for us to cheer?" alek chuckled and munched on one of the chips as ivan agreed and raised their glass. once their were done with their food and drinks, ivan got out of his seat whilst fixing his blazer, "i still prefer the garrison.." the boy said with a grin as he asked politely "do you dance?" as he lit up a cigarette and looked down at aurora. the girl looked up and down at the tall handsome fair skin "if im asked properly.." ivan fixed his collar and looked back down "lady aurora regado will you dance with me?" the girl smiled and nodded as she placed her danity hand on his hand and begand walking away dancing as alek and vanessa were left behind staring into each others eyes and teasing.

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