- vol. 4 -

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1046 words

ivans & aleksander pov


„Aurora.... Aurora? Aurora Aurora Aurora- ah found it" I click on the folder which has her name written on it and grin proudly as if i just got called 'good boy'. like a fucking dog i start to wag my imaginary tail, excitement beaming out of my chest. fuck, what is going on with you, Ivan?! she is just another stupid american blonde! with... amazing body... silky brown hair... yes brown, i'm sure she is a brunette, well at least she used to be one... and god her eyes, this pair of sparkling hazel emeralds. one look and i swear my cock is already hard. sucking in a breath, i scroll through the folder, stopping when i suddenly see "to my daughter" document. opening it i notice a letter, of course i fucking read it. i notice him repeating "Sonya" over and over, i believe that's her second name. Sonya? Sonya - Sofia. Aurora Sofia Aveiro, what a beautiful name, I'm proud of her parents, good choice and even greater daughter. after a while i've found everything needed, including her family information, birthdays, degree, university and even fucking hobbies. lord show me that fool who told her to keep this information on a piece of damned plastic. i'm happy i've found this USB, it wasn't that hard honestly, special thanks to Sasha. what an amazing actor, haha! pressing a knife to Vanessas neck he fully had girls attention, giving me a spare second to find the USB. must admit she is smart, very smart. i bet it was her idea, however, i've been taught to find any kind of needed information. being mafias favourite son has always played well for me, but let's not mention in, it's not the time, not yet. taking one last look at the image of a precious angel next to me, i sigh, head hanging low. if only she knew how exquisite she is, fuck i hate myself even more for that! i want her, no i need her so fucking much! with every inch of my body, i crave for her.... for her touch. i want her to become my savior and instead... i'll have to marry that stupid woman! she means nothing! nothing to me! Pustyshka (brainless woman)! i'd gladly feed her to my dogs! but no otec (dad) wants me to wife her disgusting ass up, i doubt i even remember her name, for what? just so he gets his money. i bark like a furious dog, pulling out the usb harshly and passing it to Sasha "your turn" i scoffed taking a deep breath while my mind endlessly played only word 'Sonya'.

Aleksander took over the computer as his eyes started to scan the files for his lovers name whilst the half way burnt cigarette was between his lips, the boys fingers typed in her name seeing the following files appearing, my life, whenever someone gets a-hold of this, if i go missing. alek let out a low chuckle as his index finger and middle finger hold the burnt cigarette, "lets see what this little minx got for us.." the low voice murmured as his fingers were clicking the file. his mind was only flooded with thoughts about her, her small wine glass body, the eyes that were like pools of honey that you could get lost into. aleksander wasnt a guy to fall in love but when he saw the small, petite, dark brunette girl he didnt know how to feel towards her as his heart would start to flatter around her, the smell of vanilla and coconut was stuck with him and the soft silk like touch of her skin was mesmerised on his fingertips whilst trying to understand his own feelings as well as rationalising the idea of the girl being with him. as he waited for the filed to open he put out his cigarette whilst returning his head towards the computer, the hungry eyes scanning the words of the girl as small smiles and chuckles were followed by. the little girl was funny but also had a fucked up past as he kept reading on. "regulus?" aleks voice mewed just as ivans head snapped at him "regulus?" both of the pair of eyebrows narrowed as they looked at each other, "vanessa diana regulus.." aleks voice cleared itself as a lump was to be felt in the middle, "isnt... isnt that the family that used to be mixed up in some drug dealing?" ivans voice quiestioned while his eyes focused on alek. a heavy sigh left the boys mouth "i dont know man..imma keep reading on." he rubbed his eyes and conitnued to scan the following lines.

both of the boys were shocked at the girls past as they didnt expect it to be so relatable to theirs, the look on their face was written guilt as they know they probably scared the girls so much that it reminded them about their past. ivan sat up from the bar stool and rand his fingers through his hair. "fuck man.. aurora is so beautiful." his voice was to be heard by alek as he grabbed another cigarette and lit it up, "same with vanessa." aleks low voice lit up as he spun around to face his brother. "i have to tell you some shit tho.." he inhales the smoke and lets it out through his nose as his eyebrows arch upwards, ivan nods fo him to continue whilst opening a bottle of beer. "me and vanessa fucked." aleks expression was not to be changed while ivan smirked and shook his head, "dont use he for sex.. she and her friend are something else.." his voice turns into a serious tone as he grabbed a small snack. alek began, "you know her body is so perfect and just magnificent...she fucking knows magic, she turns me on by just moaning and its jus-" he takes another drag of the cigarette, the boys brown eyes rolls back to imitated the feeling nessa creates for him and only him. the fair skin boy shakes his head followed by a slight chuckle "we should write our past there." his eyebrows rise towards the laptop as alek smirks and starts writing his past.

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