- vol.29 -

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3 months later
Aleksander & Aurora POV
"It's been 3 months since Nessa's incident. I miss her so much, she was my little sister and now she's just - gone. Although the doctor said it might take over a year to recover, I need her now. It's driving me crazy, yet somehow I'm slowly getting used to it. I try to visit her every Saturday and talk about my week. It feels so odd... as if you are staring at a well wrapped doll. She doesn't talk back, her expressions faded and her smile stopped being the helping light in my room. Vanya has saved me, he stuck by my side every day and honestly I couldn't be more grateful. Even though he tends to say I was his saviour I'm pretty sure it's the other way around. I'm so impulsive, always worried and he yet he always managed to soothe me down. Not to mention he was the one to kill the intruders responsible for Nessa's coma. It was a terrifying sight. Waking up to his bloody fists and face covered in sweat.

Aurora giggles under her nose quietly ,Good morning rybka' that's all he said that day. As if nothing has ever happened. I've almost reached my breakdown point until he smiled at me innocently ‚Do me an honor and join me in the bath' he asked me before heading into the royal bathroom. I jumped out of his bed, rushing after Vanya. My face was so pale that day, goodness. I had so many questions, yet that bastard kept himself quiet. Ughh! Holding back my tears I climbed into the bath, looking straight into his piercing eyes, yet he only smiled calmly. That darned smile that leaves you questionning yourself
'what-' I start but he was quick to cut me off 'no no no' he murmured pressing a finger against his lips in "shh" movement. My rage was about escape my chest until suddenly the pair of arms held me tightly and managed to bury my face into his chest, how can he be so heartless, my only true friend, sister, best friend everything to me is in a coma. A smile was plastered on my face with a small nose scrunch, not so much to convince him that im okay. "Ah my little rybka, im glad I can make you always happy." the coarse voice sent small shivers down my back as the phrase continued to be repeated in my head. "Excuse me my dear but I need to go to the restroom for a bit." I gave a smile and left with a happy face, and as soon as my back hit the bathrooms door my tears come out like waterfalls after winters. How can a man be so happy and careless whilst someone is in potential danger? the thoughts hung in my mind whilst the memorise of me and vanessa ran around fadely in front of my eyes. small tears ran down my cheeks. the hot blush was cooled down by the tears. "Im going out to vanessas! I need to check up on her." the broken voice tried to be loud as i slipped into my jacket and took my hair out. cleaning the mess on my face i exit the house and get in the car.

4 months later
Today is the big day, the one day I get to finally be happy. the freedom of having the one true loving partner next to me. the shine in her eyes reminded me of pools like honey. the blonde hair shined like dimes down her shoulder and the white dress caught my heart in a trap. the one girl, i love the most. Carolisa. she was my girlfriend, and now my only wife. everyone clapped their hands once our lips connected, the key to our souls was once again opened, the true love was won. "I love you so much Aleksander. I really do." the love was bigger than this in their own minds. "And I my lady, love you much more." i rose up the small hand of hers and pecked it. the tint of blush rose up on our cheeks and we walked down the aisle. even if i still had thoughts about nessa, i loved carolisa more. i smile and look at ivan and aurora, happily together proud that im with my true love.

The truth was, im not okay with any of this, even if he thinks its okay. Nessa could wake up at any moment in time and he decided to abandon her in the middle of no where. i clear my throat and look up at ivan, "baby..i know it a special occasion right now, but i really want to talk to vanessa." ivans gaze looked down at me and nodded with a sad smile, "go ahead, tell her i said hi." the smile got bigger on my face as i kissed him on the cheek and ran to the car. driving fast past the buildings and houses i finally arrived to the hospital which my angel was in. the high heels click on the concrete as i held up my dress slightly. "uhm, im looking for vanessa-" the receptionist cut me off with a smile "vanessa regulus, yes youre the regular visitor my love go in." the warmth filled my heart as i ran to her room. "vany?" seeing all the monitors being safely checked and still the same. i take a sit on my chair and look at the small girl with a smile. "darling, i know im here in a lovely dress and lovely hair but you need to know about this. Aleksander just married someone-" suddenly the monitor started going faster, but then slowed down, i hled vanessas hand and bit my lip in full worry hoping for something, "and hes happy..hes just-" the girl started to tear up as she felt the squeeze in her hand. "vanessa?" the hopes begun to rise as the small girl flattered her eyes. "NURSES!" i screamed as i covered my mouth and cried softly. "yes what is wrong-" the girl smiled at them "shes awake.." the nurses felt a sigh of relief as they bring in some vitamins for the small girl.

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