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_3rd person POV_

George heard a loud sound coming from the right side of him. He opened his eyes and slammed his hand down on his blaring alarm clock, quickly shutting it up. He sits upright in his bed and stretches with a big sigh coming from his mouth. He flips his legs around to the side of the bed to eventually stand. Walking to the bathroom he looks into the mirror to say, "jeez I look like a mess". He grabs his clothes that he laid there yesterday and starts to swiftly put them on. He wore a light blue, long, sleeved sweater, and some black jeans that had two rips on both of his knees. He brushed his hair and teeth, then put on his shoes. He exits to his room to eventually walk down the stairs to make him a cup of coffee. Grabbing his coffee he exits his car and starts it,  backing out of the driveway he continues down the road to his job. George didn't have just any standard office or construction job, he was a private investigator, or known as one of the best private investigators. He works with Karl Jacobs to solve most of the difficult cases, that many have had trouble solving, making them very knowledgeable. George soon enough ends up making it to the building that he calls work. 

Exiting the car, he walks up to the very standard, grey, building. Walking through the glass doors, he would get a greeting here and there, finally making it to his office. Today he was supposed to get a new case, but he doesn't know what the case was about, making him kinda excited, and definitely frightened. Normally cases weren't kept much of a secret but in this case, he was told to keep everything between him and his partner until things were figured out. As George was thinking he hears the door open to see a worried and uncomfortable-looking Karl. 

"George the case is in," he said with fear present in his voice. He walks over to his desk and sets down a file. George picked up the file and read it, that's when George's face turned into a pale white. "The Nightmares." George looked at him with wide eyes and he looks at George and nods. George was scared to have the case, knowing that this case could get very deadly very quickly. See the nightmares were composed of three people, and yet they were the most feared mafia in the state. The third member was known as Sapnap, the second was known as Technoblade, and the leader.....is known as Dream. The thing is, they didn't know hardly enough to even get far into the case. George looks up from the file after staring at it for a while, deep in thought. He looks at Karl, and asks  "Is this...real?".  With that George was given a nod from Karl, George just gulps down the fear and nods. "Let's get to work then."

Karl walks over and sits next to George. As Karl takes the products out of the file, George grabs his laptop and started to research things about "The Nightmares". There wasn't much, they were known to hide things very well. 

•George's POV•

I continue to research the topic when Karl pipes up and says, "holy honk, they found a hair follicle!" I look a Karl and chuckle because of his wordplay, just like Daryll one of our co-workers, despises cussing. 

~Small Time Skip~  

We have been at this for about 10 hours now, and we don't have one lead to where these people could be, or who they are. Ugh, this is so stupid. As I lean back in my chair and put my hands over my eyes, rubbing the sleep from them, I hear, "Hey don't worry we can figure out this case!" 

I tilt my head down and smile at him reassuringly, that's when something catches my eye. Obviously, some of the police officers took pictures of the scenes and put them in the file. I grab a couple and start to look where they were taken, and what time. That was when I realized, they take at least 4 to 5 hours to get to another destination and they continue to kill in the same places just a little off from the original place. That may not sound like a key detail, but if they are getting around the state so quickly, they must be in a car or taking public transportation. That was when I remember we got a call from someone about some people acting very suspicious at 7 eleven. I get up and make my way to the back room where we keep the call logs, I hear Karl ask where I was going. I search until I found it, Nacy Wells said, "there are three mysterious guys here and they walked into the back of an alleyway with someone. I don't know what they are doing but I'm kinda scared". Then she said she heard a faint screaming and hung up the phone. Karl walks in and asks, "What did you figure out?" 

"I figured out that they kill in the same place just a little off from the original, they kill at the same time and either uses a car or public transportation. Do you remember the case with the 7 eleven alleys?"

"Yeah what about it?"

"Well we got a call about it before the murder took place, now don't get me wrong, it could have just been some thug that tried to mug the guy but failed,"

I continue to explain as Karl and I make it back to the office, "You mentioned that there was a hair follicle yes?"

I just watch him nod and he urges me on, "Where did they find it?"

"I don't know, I didn't really look at it."

As we walk into the office and sit down I look at the file, I see that there was a murder not too far from the same 7 eleven. "Do you think it was them?" I nod and put down the call log and look at the hair follicle, it was found at the 7 eleven murder scene. I look at Karl and just smile, "I think we have our first clue!" I say excitedly. We have a wonderful high-five and eventually get back to work. After about a couple more hours of research, we relax for a bit and start to pack up to head home. We walk outside and went our different ways. "See you tomorrow!" I called out. As I get into my car I watch Karl drive off, Though as I was about to depart, I felt like I was being watched. I left and continued to feel the creeps, so I kept checking my mirror and that's when I saw two, big, bright, headlights. I didn't think too much of it, I'm on a road and that's normal to see other cars, but I kept feeling like there was something off. I just continued to ignore it and drive home.

/Author's Note\

Hey so I just finished the first chapter and I'm kinda proud. Though I was wondering if I should write another book. It is about Technoblades POV because I kinda had a little bit of a backstory for him. So should I do it? Or should I not? Tell me in the comments. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day! ❤


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