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_George's POV_

Why am I following him? I can just run, book it for the door but no. Why? Why am I not trying to fight back and make my way to the door? Is it because I will be leaving people behind? I can always come back and get them, mostly when I have a team by my side, but I feel like there is something else behind it. What is it? 

I didn't even realize that I was following close behind Dream that I even made it to his office. I look around the semi-familiar room. He tells me to take a seat and I do. Wow, I just got hit with deja vu (Hey that rhymed :> ). He sits in front of me and slides a big bright vanilla folder to me, "pick it up and read it." He demands.

I nod and pick it up and start to put the contents onto the desk, it was about my family and me, where I lived, and many other things. It also included Karl, Eret, and a bunch of other members of the force. I gulp and look up, dang you, I know you are grinning behind that stupid mask. "Do you see what it's about?"

I nod and look away, "Okay good, so I brought you in here for a reason," he pauses before continuing.

"I want you to work with me, and help me get information on some of the people I plan on going against."

"What, no!" I force back.

He shakes his head and looks at me, "I'm sorry George but, do you really have a choice. I can just go down to the cellar and kill that little friend of yours."

I tense in my seat, fudge. I watch him get up and walk behind me, too scared to turn my head towards him I feel him put his hands on my shoulders. He leans down to my ear and whispers, "So what's it going to be then?"

I shiver at the hot breath and turn around putting a few inches between our faces. "Will Karl be let free if I do this?"

I can hear him think, it's so quiet in this dumb office. "Fine." He lets out.

"Only if you work with me."

I nod and sigh while turning my head back. I can tell he's still smiling under the mask, he walks right behind his desk and pulls a piece of paper from one of his filing cabinets. He pushes it towards me and gives me a pen, without a second thought, I sign it. This is for the safety of others, that's all I can tell myself in this situation, even if it's not completely true. I'm doing this for the safety of my family and friends would be better worded. I put the pen down and give the paper back to him, he nods and reaches out his hand while saying, "Welcome to the team, Georgie."

I don't understand why, but when he said that I couldn't help but feel the blush creep onto my face. Why? Was it the way he said it or was it just the name in general? Hmmm, I don't know any more about this man. I just don't understand him at all. When we stop the small shake, he starts to direct me again but instead of him taking me to the cell, he walks me down to a hallway with a white door and opens it. We walk in and dang, this is a really beautiful room. 

I hear him chuckle so I give him my attention, "What?"

"Your eyes just got so big and your expression on your face looks dumb."

I give him a glare and turn back around to study the magnificent room. I walk around the room as well, when he tells me he is going to leave, "Wait!"

He turns around in the door frame, giving me his full undivided attention. "Will I be able to say goodbye to Karl....please."

Karl is like my best friend, I have known him since 5th, like me and he goes way back. He gave me a small nod and turns back around, "By the way, if you want to decorate your door you can, I will ask Sap to show you the stuff you can decorate it with."

With that, he left. I turn and walk over to the bed and sit down, dang this thing is comfy. I move my eyes around the room, taking in the sight of it. There say a gray desk with a huge bookshelf on my right side. On the left, there was a closet and another door that I guess leads to a bathroom. There were a couple of big paintings and the bed I laid on was a big queen bed, with dark blue sheets. The whole room had a gray coloring with little black and white accents. I look away from the walls and more towards the ceiling, I can feel my eyes get heavy, making me close them. I don't sleep though I just lay there. It was nice.

Just as I closed my eyes the door opens, I look at the people that stood in the doorway, Dream, and Karl. I sit up and Karl walks over whole Dream leaves. "Why George."

"I'm guessing he told you. Just please let me do this for you and the people I care for."

"No George, we are partners, we work together. I promised you years ago, I will be with you no matter what, so either you back down or I join you."

Why are so stubborn Karl? Just before I could give him my complaint he walked out of the room. I stand up and start to walk after him, I exit the door and look down the hallway to see him angrily talking to Dream. I froze just to hear Dream wheeze, "What, what's so funny?!" Karl shouts.

"You want to join willingly, that's hilarious."

I facepalm and start to speed walk up behind him, "fuck it, why not." Dream says.

Just as I make it to the small meeting in the middle of the hallway, Karl turns to me and says, "Now I am in too deep." I move my head back and forth, irritated with his decision. 

Dream looks at me with a grin on his face, I groan and grab Karls hand and walk back to the room. When we enter I close the door behind me, I give Karl the look "What the heck is wrong with you!"

"We made a deal George and I plan on keeping it, even if it means putting myself in danger. Not to mention, we can work together and figure out how to get out of this and put him in prison where he belongs!"

I look at him dumbfounded, that actually is genius. Why didn't I think about it like that and work on capturing him while working with him. I look at Karl and say fine, and that he needs to keep his guard up and to be safe, he nods and makes his way out of the room. I stand there for a minute just a little took back by the day I have already, not to mention the week. I walk over to the queen-sized bed and lay down, letting the sleepless nights take over me. Making me pass out. 

x+Authors Note+x

I just finished chapter 7! I hope you are all liking this book so far and I would like to ask for some ideas for some missions that George will be sent on (Only if you want to). I hope this chapter was good, and I hope you liked it too. So I hope you all have a wonderful day or night, and thank you for reading my book so far. 

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