_George's POV_

I wake up to the light beaming into the room. As I open my eyes I see Karl is nowhere to be found. I expeditiously swing my legs over and stand up, quickly throwing on some sweatpants. I speed walk to the bedside table to pick up my phone, but I didn't put it on the charger, so it's dead. Hopefully, he is okay.

I continue to have the daunting feeling in my stomach till the door swings open. It's Karl. He has two plates, with glorious pancakes stacking on top of each other. "Are you okay?" He asks.

I have a sigh of solace, and look at him and nod. "I have breakfast." He says lightheartedly.

I smile and take the plate from him, as I grab the plate, I get a marvelous smell of cooked pancakes and maple syrup.  I don't waste any time, starting to dig into the pancakes. Face full of pancake, Karl pipes up, "So I saw something this morning on the news."

I gave him my full attention, as I urge him to continue obviously interested. "Well on the news it says that there was mysterious activity happening around here, and we just got here, how ironic is that!" He jokes. 

I became a little more nervous than I was before. He's right, we did just get here and there is already news about cynical activity going on. I just work on finishing my pancakes, thinking if this is a coincidence or not. Karl was already done with his food and I followed close behind. I just let out a sigh knowing what comes next, don't get me wrong, I love my job and the people that I am now close with. 

Though when it comes to the work that follows with it, I can't stand it. "Ready to get to work?" I ask.

He nods, the energetic being that was just in front of me is now grabbing the things we need. Bringing the laptop and the file, he settles down in front of me and hands me the laptop. That's when we both get really deep into our work, forgetting about the outside world. 

                                                                      *~/Time Skip (11:35pm)\~*

After about 15 hours of work, with some breaks in between. We only have two clues associated with "The Nightmares". It just the stuff we already knew, they kill in the same place and they have transportation. I lightly slam my head down on the ground, putting myself in a really uncomfortable position. Legs crossed and I'm leaning over my legs, with my arms tucked in. 

All I do is sigh, I'm tired and ready to go to bed, but we are so far behind that we need to start getting more information. I hear Karl gasp and jump up, "What?" I ask.

"Why didn't we think of this before?!" He walks over to the table going threw his luggage. 

He pulls the two envelopes that we had received a day ago, swiftly making his way back over to me. Though I didn't realize what else he grabbed, soon setting it in front of me, I see it's the finger print kit. He starts to use the kit on the letters, not taking long to finish. Next thing I know he is jumping up and down excitedly, "I DIDN'T THINK IT WOULD WORK!!"

He gives me the finger print paper and it shows a finger print. I look at him wide eyed and beaming, we could have just fingered out the case like that. I reach for my now charged phone and call Eret. Though he never answered, what was kind of interesting was, it never let me leave a voice mail. Hmm weird. I just set down my phone and start celebrating with Karl, we were jumping up and down like two teenage girls excited about the newly found info. 

Though something felt really off, I don't really know why but I felt like I was being watched. At this point it just feels like a normally daily thing that happens. As we finish are small celebration, I sit down and start to go through the private police website that we are able to access. I go through the site trying to find the same finger print, continuing to scan through the website. 

That's when I find the finger print, the name the the finger print belongs to is, Nicholas Armstrong (I don't know if that is correct XD). Hmmmm, is that the leader? I click on the name and a picture shows up.  (Picture cause why not  |

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I feel Karl peer over me, looking at the laptop. I look up to see a light tint of crimson dust his cheeks. "Don't tell me your falling for Mr. Badboy." I joke. 

All I hear is a slight whimper, watching him leave to his bed. I just chuckle, I knew us being gay could become deadly to our job. I shut the laptop and walk over to my bed, hopping onto it and snuggling into the gray comforter. After a little bit of chilling and hanging out, it is now 1:15 am. That's when Karl and I hear a sturdy knock on the door. I look at Karl, wary. Who would be up at 1:15, I just up and vigilantly make my way to the door. 

I open the door to see three people standing there, I instantly feel intimidated by the height difference. The one in the front tries to grab my arm but I'm to quick, I immediately shut the door locking it. I turn to Karl, fear noticeable in my features. "Hide." I whisper screamed.

Just as I run to the bathroom with Karl, I hear the door opening. Grabbing him by the wrist and pulling him into the bathroom closet. 

_3rd POV_

As the trio make there way into the room, Dream tells them to search every inch of the room. Sapnap and Techno get to work as Dream enters the bathroom. George hearing the door open, he clasps his hands over his mouth trying to slow his breathing. Karl following soon in Georges movements, throwing his hands over his mouth. As George and Karl freak out, Dream continues to search till he sees the closet door. Inching closer he was about to open it until Sapnap pipes up, "Dream do you think they would jump out the window?"

Dream just slams his hand to his head, clearly disappointed but still letting a chuckle out. Dream just continues to inch his hand closer to the door, swiftly opening it he sees two trembling men. Dream just smirks under the mask, soon grabbing George by the arm and yanking him out the closet. Karl just lets the tears fall, knowing this was the end. "Sapnap grab the other one."

_Dream POV_

Damn, he really is putting up a fight. Well, obviously but, he is a lot stronger than he put himself out to be. Still not strong enough for me though. Making it back into the main room, I push him onto the chair telling Techno to tie him down. As asked, he starts to tie down the struggling brit. 

"Well, well, well. We finally meet. I've heard a lot about you."

_Georges POV_

I just cringe at that, just how he said it was just, bizarre. As I go into thought, he starts to speak once more, " You and your little friend over there will be coming with us......its nice to finally meet you, George~." 

I freeze, how does he know my name. Before I could even think about it I feel something stick into my neck, everything soon going dark. 

/x+ Authors Note +x\

I'm done with this chapter, and I really like it better than the original, it seems more realistic in my opinion. Cause who would send there co-workers into danger like that. I hope you enjoyed the new chapter, I'm going to continue working on chapter 4. Also I have finished editing the first and second chapter. Okay ima go now, adios! <3

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