The moon from the night sky illuminated your form perfectly, spotlighting you leaning against a large tree, watching two guys walk calmly down the street. You've been following these two for about a week now. You're sure they've noticed you a few days ago, but why they didn't confront you was a mystery.

This is the closest you've ever been to them, as they walked buy you noticed the significant height difference between you and them. They were both tall, one wore a bright orange hoodie with a black mask, and the other wore a tan hoodie with a white mask. They both had brown hair, you've seen it once when they took their hoods off on a particularly warm night.

Suddenly, you felt something poking your head. You quickly realized one of the guys had a gun pressed against your temple.

"Why the fuck have you been following us?" The one Slenderman told you is "Masky" said. You smiled.

"About time you boys confronted me," You said before gripping Masky's wrist and pulling him down, then grabbing the back of his neck with your other hand and slamming him to the ground. The other guy, "Hoodie" immediately pointed his gun at your head. He moved quickly, without hesitation, and didn't make a sound.

"What the fuck do you want?!" Masky exclaimed from under you.

"My boss sent me to tail you guys. He wants you to be his new proxies."

"Boss? Who the fuck-"

"Slenderman is my boss. So far, I'm his only proxy, but he wants you two as well."

"Why the hell does he wants us?"

You shrugged and got up. "Who knows. I don't get explanations, just orders."

"Why should we join you?" Masky said as he stood up and towered over you.

You shrugged. "I dunno. I mean, you'd just get to live in a mansion and be gifted immortality and shit, but you'd have to follow the boss's orders," You stated while stretching.

"I did my job. If you're interested, follow me. If not," You paused. "We might meet again." Then, you simply walked away. Once you got into the woods, you heard the crinkling of leaves behind you. You smiled. 'I knew they would follow me,' you thought.

"Hey, short ass! Where the hell is this boss of yours?" Masky exclaimed. Loud static-filled your ears right after he said that as if Slenderman was summoned by how words. Masky groaned and Hoodie covered his ears.

"Speak of the devil," You said while glancing over at Slenderman, who emerged from behind a tree.

"You'll have to translate. They could only understand my static if they're one of us," Slender's voice echoes through your head.

"Will you stop the static then? You're gonna make their heads explode or some shit."

"That's impossible but okay."

"Who the hell are you talking to?!" Masky said as the static quieted.

"The boss. I gotta translate because you can only understand him if you're one of us."

There was a pause.

"Hello," you said in a monotone voice, copying what Slendeman says word for word.  "Thank you for coming. I'm sorry for Kuroai here. I wanted your first meeting to go more smoothly. She has a thing for toying with people- Hey! That's not nice!"

Masky chuckled. "She should be the one apologizing."

"Anyways," You said in your monotone voice once again. "I am recruiting people I think are worth to be my proxies. As Kuroai has told you, you will be gifted immortality if you decide to join me."

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