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You sighed and sat on the porch, staring up at the dark, night sky.

"Hey," X Virus said. He sat down next to you.

"Hey," you said.

"You okay?" He said.

"Yeah," you said. "Just relaxing, honestly."

"You've been different the past week. Ever since," he trailed off. "No, before that, actually. You heard what Masky said, didn't you?"

"Yeah," you said. "Honestly, I don't understand why I feel so shitty. I don't remember ever feeling this way, or what this feeling is. Hell, I can't even remember my life before this." You gestured around. "Before Slenderman. I don't know. I just feel weird."

"Weird how?"

"What Masky said made me feel shitty. And-" you paused. "Zalgo made me feel shitty too."

"What he did was messed up. We should kill him."

You chuckled. "I didn't expect you to care so much."

"Of course I do," he said. "You're very important to me."

You smiled and laid your head on his shoulder. "Thanks."

"GODDESS!" Judge Angels exclaimed.

You chuckled. "Excuse me, X," you said. You looked at him, then leaned in and pulled down his mask, just enough to kiss his cheek. Then, you walked away.

"Goddess!" JA exclaimed.

"What's up?"

She ran towards you and hugged you. "I couldn't find you."

"I was just outside," you muttered as you patted her head. "Relax, Angel."

She smiled at you. "So, what would you like me to do for you now?"

"Um," you muttered. "Nothing. I'm okay."

"As you wish," she said. "Come, watch a movie with me!"


Later that day, you sat on the couch, watching (insert fav cartoon).

"Hey, hot stuff," Jeff said.

"Hello, Jeffery."

Jeff plopped down next to you and wrapped his arm around you.

"Fuck off," Toby said. He sat next to you and kissed your cheek.

"Yall ain't dating so I can do what I want," Jeff said.

"Um?" You muttered. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," Masky said. He pulled you from the couch and took your seat.

"Hey!" You, Toby, and Jeff exclaimed.

Masky pulled you into his lap. "Shut up. What we watching?"

"(show). Where is Hoodie?"

"Taking a nap," Masky said. He wrapped his arms around you. Suddenly, there was a loud crash outside.

"What the fuck?!" Jeff exclaimed.

"Stay here," Toby said. Then, he grabbed his hatchets and stalked towards the door. Loud static busts the windows, again, and Masky shielded your head from the falling glass.

"Slendy!" You exclaimed.

You slipped out of Masky's lap and ran outside.

"Come back!" Masky exclaimed. "It's dangerous."

"We're immortal!" You exclaimed. You slammed the doors open and rushed outside. Slenderman had a black... thing.. held in his tentacles.

"Slendy?" you said.

"____!" it exclaimed. "Zalgo brought me. He apolo-" Then, Slenderman killed the black blob.

"What? What's going on?" You said.

"Go back inside," Slenderman said. "Tell the other proxies to come here."

"No," you said. "I'm sick of you people treating me like some fragile flower that'll be crushed. I'm a killer! I'm a proxy, and I'm immortal! I can handle anything."

Slenderman put a tentacle on your shoulder. "You're the strongest and most loyal proxy I've ever had, which is why I need to keep you safe. Zalgo is a real threat, so you need to stay safe."

"I don't want to hide," you muttered. You pulled your hood over your head as if it was instinct to cover your face. "I don't understand why everyone is acting like this."

A black smoke slowly started circling your body. "I just want this bullshit to be over with! I want to stop feeling shitty, I swear my head is gonna EXPLODE!" As you yelled explode, the smoke around you exploded, creating a large crater.

Slenderman didn't hesitate. He forced you to go unconscious using your proxy mark. Hoodie leaped off of his balcony and landed behind you, just in time to catch you before you hit the ground.

He looked up at Slenderman. "Take her to her room. She's fine."

Hoodie nodded and carried you inside.

Killers Have Feelings TooWhere stories live. Discover now