"What happened to her?!" Judge Angels exclaimed.

"Is she okay?" Toby said.

Ann walked out of your room. "She's fine," she said. "Just unconscious. Slenderman said her emotions caused her powers to go outta control, so he made her go unconscious."

"So she'll wake up soon?" Toby said.

"Yeah," Ann said.

"Thank goodness," Dina said. "You're a lifesaver, Ann."

"I didn't do anything," she said.

"Whatever," Jeff said. "Just move out the way and let me inside."

"Hoodie asked me to only let proxies inside. Sorry," she said.

"Bitch, I don't care-"

"Stop," Toby said. "If Hoodie made that request, then there's a good reason why."

"So you can see her and I can't? Bullshit."

"You probably just want to do pervy things to her while she's unconscious," Ann said.

"I do not!"

Toby rolled his eyes and walked into your room. You were asleep on your bed, and Hoodie sat next to your bed.

"Hey," Toby said.

Hoodie nodded.

"She okay?"

Hoodie nodded again.

Toby sat beside you and sighed. "So, Slenderman said that Zalgo guy has been sending demons to give ___ a message. That's how all this started. He wants to apologize."

Hoodie stated in his direction for a moment. "He's a fucking creep," Hoodie muttered.

"Yeah," Toby said. "We should just kill him."

Hoodie nodded his head.

"But, how would you even kill a supernatural... thing?" Toby's entire body spasmed. "Pervert! Sorry," he said.

Hoodie chuckled.


You woke up a while later. Toby sat by your bed, playing with a rubik's cube. You looked at him. "Hi," you said.

He jerked in his seat and looked at you. "You're awake." Toby hugged you tightly. "I was worried."


"You collapsed," he said. "How are you feeling? Are you okay?"

"Hungry," you said.

"I'll tell Dina." He paused. "I can't cook."

Toby walked out of the room, and Masky walked inside. "____."

"Hey," you said.

"You're an imbecile," Masky said.

"What?!" You exclaimed.

"You heard me." Masky sat on your bed and looked at you. "If you pull some shit like this again, I'll murder you."

"What did I do?" You said. "Jerk."

"Make me worry." He scoffed.

"Goddess!" Dina exclaimed as she rushed into the room. She literally jumped on you and squished your face between her boobs. "I'm so glad you're alive!" She exclaimed. "I was so worried!"

"Can't breathe," you muttered.

Masky put his hand on her shoulder. "Back up some."

"Oh, sorry." She pulled away. "Toby said you were hungry. What do you want to eat?"

You shrugged. "No idea."

"I'll make a feast!" She exclaimed as she rushed out of the room. You yawned and laid back down.

"How are you feeling?" Masky said.

"Fine," you muttered. "I don't feel anything."

"Ah," he said. "At least you're okay."

"Hey hottie," Jeff said as he walked into the room. "Damn, you look rough."

"Thanks," you said with a chuckle. "You look awful as you do every day."

"Thanks," he said. He leaned against the doorframe. "Masky. Slenderman wants you in his office." Then, he walked away.

Masky sighed and stood up. "I'll be back."


Slenderman walked into your room.

"Slendy," you started. "I want you to erase it all. I don't want to feel this way anymore." Your voice cracked. "I can't take much more. I don't even understand what's wrong, just nothing feels right." You put your head in your hands. "Just make it stop, please."

"I don't think that'll be wise," he said.

"But, why? You did it for me before!"

"I believe that is why you are unable to comprehend your emotions, now. It was a mistake."

"How can you say that?" You said. "You fucking made me this way! Now I'm more fucked up than before and you can't even fix me?! How can I-"

"Alright," Slenderman said. "What do you want me to erase?"

"Whatever is making me feel so damn awful."


You walked down the stairs with a smile on your face. "Hey, X," you chirped as you walked to the kitchen.

"_____?" He said, jumping up from his seat on the couch. "You're... feeling better?"

"Yeah, it was just a power thing, a good nap has me feeling much better," you said.

"You sure?" He said. "You seem... off."

"I'm sure," you said with a smile. "Want some waffles?"

"Uh... sure." 

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