"There is a small problem," Slenderman started. "A boy has been going around murdering people, not very far away from here. He's quite skilled, but not good enough to continue this much longer without getting caught."

"So, there will be a new proxy?" You said.

"No," he said. "He is just a killer that needs guidance. Bring him here by any means necessary."

You nodded. "Alright."

"His name is Jeffery Woods. This is what he looks like." Slenderman gave you a picture of a boy. He had pale skin and black hair. There was a smile cut onto his face, and his eyelids seemed to be burned.

You blinked. "How are his eyes still functioning? One gust of wind and he's blind."

"Ask him when you find him."

"Alright. I'll leave now."

He nodded. "If you need back up, I'll send Toby. Just reach out somehow."

"Yes sir!" Then, you disappeared.


You appeared in the woods, very close to a small town. It was dark, the only lights around were the flickering streetlights, and the faint moonlight that peeked through the clouds. You pulled your hood on over your head and looked around.

It was dead silent for a few moments, until the door of a building creaked open. The building looked dingy, so you assumed it was abandoned. The gleam of a knife peeked through the crack, then it closed again.

'Huh,' you thought. You stalked over towards the building, and skillfully hopped between the two walls in the small alley, before diving through the window.

In the room you landed in, there was a dirty mattress surrounded by bottles of water, cups of ramen, and bottles of random alcohol. You could hear the heavy footsteps of someone on the floor below you. They echoed through the building, and you were almost easily able to pinpoint exactly where he was.

Right under you.

Luckily for you, the floors were unstable. There were holes and cracks all over the wooden floorboards. You slid down the biggest hole in the floor and landed in a crouching position, right behind your target. He was looking around the room, completely oblivious of the fact that you were there.

You sighed. "Yo!"

The boy froze for a moment, then whipped his head around and looked at you. His wide eyes held so much emotion. Anger. Confusion. Fear. Regret.

But it was all covered by pure insanity.

"Who the fuck are you?" He said before he chuckled. "It doesn't matter. You'll be going to sleep soon anyway."

He pulled the knife out of the pocket of his white hoodie and ran at you. You sighed and jumped out of the way. "Your movements are sloppy."

"Bitch," he scoffed before he ran at you again, swinging his knife.

You dodged his attacks and sent a kick to his stomach. He went tumbling backwards.

"Look, I'm holding back because I don't wanna hurt you. Come with me. My boss will help you-"

"I don't need anyone! Fuck your damn boss! What would he want with me anyway?"

You sighed. "My boss is Slenderman. I'm one of his proxies. He just wants to help lost killers, like you."

He scoffed. "Slenderman isn't real." Then, he ran at you again. He swung his arm, his knife cut your cheek, and you didn't move. He paused, a triumphant smirk on his face because he thought you couldn't deflect. He thought he was getting the upper hand.

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