"Who the hell is this?" Masky said as he stared at Toby, who was about three inches shorter than him.

"My name's T-Toby," Toby said as he ticked and whistled.

Masky stared at him for a moment. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I have T-Tourettes. The hell is wrong with you?"

"You little shit-"

"Hey! Leave him alone!" You yelled at Masky before jumping on his back. "Be nice to Toby!"

"Shut it small fry! You're the reason I had to but shit for waffles!"

"Waffles!" You and Toby exclaimed simultaneously before you jumped off of Masky's back. "I completely forgot!" You yelled before running into the kitchen. Toby followed you, not wanting to be left alone with Masky quite yet.

"You like waffles too?"

"Yep," You said with a smile as you pull out/ all of the stuff to make waffles.

"Want some? OH MY GOSH, WE HAVE BLUEBERRIES- Do you want blueberry waffles, Toby?"

He nodded. "Yes!" He exclaimed.

You smiled before pulling out the things needed to make waffles. Toby watched as you made the waffle batter and cooked the waffles. After a short while, you had a tall stack of waffles made.

"Can you ask Masky and Hoodie if they want waffles?"

"Y-you want me to-" he paused and ticked. "Talk to them?"

I nodded. "Please?"

He paused for a moment before walking away. After a few minutes, he walked back into the kitchen. "They're leaving for a mission."

"More for us then," I said while setting two plates of waffles on the table with some syrup. Toby sat at the table and I got some orange juice.

"Thanks," Toby said.

"No problem, cutie!"

You were sitting outside, taking a much-needed break from my training when someone just appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. He was small and looked like a cartoon demon. He has horns and a long tail with a point at the end.

"Are you the proxy ___?" It asked in a hoarse, raspy voice.

"What's it to you?"

"A present," he said before dropping a large red box in front of me. "From Zalgo."

"Oh," You said before picking up the box and carrying it inside. "Slendy!"

In an instant, he appeared. Toby sat in the living room with Masky and Hoodie.

"That Zalgo guy brought me a present," You said in a confused tone.

"A present?" He said before taking the box and ripping it open. Inside there was a bouquet of red and black roses, wrapped in a black ribbon. Under that was a red box filled with-

"What the fuck?!" You said. There was dead shit in the box. Specifically, animals and severed human limbs. Slenderman paused for a moment, staring at the box. Static filled the room and slowly got louder with each passing moment.

"Slendy?" You said.

The static immediately stopped. "Have you had any interactions with Zalgo?"

You shook your head. "No."

"Who the fuck is Zalgo, and why is he sending her dead shit?" Masky said.

"Toby, Masky, Hoodie," Slenderman said. "Watch over ___ until further notice." And with that, he was gone.

"Who is Zalgo?" Toby asked.

"Why the fuck is he sending you dead shit?!" Masky exclaimed. Hoodie stood up and tossed out the box of presents.

"Zalgo is some dude that knows Slendy. He's like," you paused. "A supernatural thing like Slendy. I have no fucking clue why Zalgo is sending me that stuff."

"Well, I guess you're stuck with us until Slendy says otherwise," Masky said. You shrugged and plopped down on the couch with a huff. "I guess so."

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