The Backstory

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Part 1 (Love at first sight)

There was a time where a teenage, fourteen year old girl, named Yaena had met with someone at her new school. She is a cute and shy type of girl and lives in Canada. That year was 2018 when she was a transferee as she wants to move on from her past life from her former school. From her former school she was being bullied for she was shy and had little to no friends. Now she has transferred to a different school to have a new school life journey. She hopes to have good friends unlike her before. On the first day of class that year, she went to the designated classroom as any other student would do on their first day. Yet she knew no one because she just transferred there. She was looking around seeing the whole class laughing and talking while the teacher was not there. She was feeling lonely, with no one to talk to. But a group of friends noticed her. The leader of the group went to her to talk to her and cheer her up because he saw that she was alone in her seat. While he was walking towards her, Yaena noticed him and she was in shock. The boy is handsome and a cool looking guy in her eyes. As he sees his eyes sparkle and her face starting to blush, she covers her face with her notebook. She then noticed him in front of her. She glanced at his I.D. and saw his name, his name is Kevin. "Hi I see that you are lonely so I want to keep you company" Kevin said to her in a nice and beautiful voice and accent. She smiled as she was lost in words. "By the way, what's your name?" Kevin asks nicely. "I'm- Yaena" she responded with some stutters as to her nervousness to him. "Nice to meet you, want to hang with us after school?" he asked her. "Maybe next time-I have to go home early today" Yaena responded nervously as she was still kind of blushing from his cute looking face. "Oh okay next time. I'll be going back, class is about to start" Kevin said nicely as they both waved goodbye for now. Yaena could not stop thinking about him. "He's cute-" she said to herself, still blushing. After school she saw him and waved to as it was dismissal. The boy smiled at her and she smiled back. As she was riding a bus, commuting home, she could not stop thinking about him. He still remembers his cute face while talking to her that morning. Her heart pounding as to his inevitable cuteness. As she went home, she opened her laptop and she started to be more happy. "Ke-kevin messaged me?!" she screamed while holding her pillow to her mouth so as to not annoy her family who was watching a television show. "Hi Yaena. I hope next time we can hang out with my group of friends. It will be fun, trust me. If you need anyone to talk to about anything, I'm here for you don't worry." she read Kevin's message to her in Messenger. She couldn't stop blushing, her cheeks are red as a tomato. As she laid at her bed, she replied with a "hello and thank you". Then they chatted for hours talking about their lives and being friends before Kevin needed to sleep. "I'm sleepy, I'll talk to you again tomorrow at school. It's really nice meeting you." Kevin messaged her. "Good night" she replied as Kevin reacted to her reply with a 'heart shaped emoji'. She couldn't stand it as she blushed again before going to sleep. She then realized that it was love at first sight.

Part 2 (Hanging out)

It was the next day of school and the teachers were already giving tons of home works. Because of that the group of friends could not hang out as they were doing their home works. Yaena was having a hard time to cope with the amount of home works they were receiving. She was okay except when it was the time to answer the Math homework. Kevin notices her seating while struggling in Math. Kevin went to her and asked, "Do you need help?" Yaena was in shock as for her, he just appeared out of nowhere. Nevertheless she nodded as she did need help. While Kevin is teaching her to solve and answer, Yaena paid attention not to his words but to his face. She blushes as his face is just beside hers. She stares at his lips, his sparkling eyes, and his handsome looking hair. She did not care about the subject, she just continued to stare at him. "Did you get what I taught you?" Kevin asked. She stopped staring at him and tried to come up with an excuse. "Can you repeat one more time? I did not understand that much." she said to him. "Oh well if it's for you then okay." Kevin replied with a cute smile. "Fo-for me?" she said to herself, blushing yet again before really paying attention to his words in which she calls it "his lovely words of wisdom". She smiled as he is really good in Math. After they finished, Kevin noticed that he was late with a meeting with his family at the park. "I got to go now, my family is waiting for me." Kevin said. "Oh no I'm sorry, I'm not good at Math and now you're late with your meeting" Yaena responded with a sad face. Kevin found her face cute but when she frawns, he found it more cute. He started to blush and he said to her, "It's fine, I'm always happy to help. My family would understand anyways. You're my friend so I'll help you as much as I can." They both waved goodbye with smiles on their faces. They both were happy that day and they both wished it would last a little more. The next day Kevin, Yaena, and their group of friends were hanging out at the mall. They had fun together, playing in the arcades and just having a good weekend together. Yaena and Kevin were tired and wanted to both get something to eat. "What fast food chain do you want to go to?" Kevin asked her. "McDonalds I guess." Yaena responded curiously of why he is asking. "Let's go, my treat." he said. "You don't have to, I have my own money." she responded. "I insist." he replied with a smile. Yaena blushed as Kevin is paying for both of their foods. "She's smiling, I hope she appreciates what I'm doing for her." Kevin said to himself. While eating they talked about each other and having fun. "Why am I having such a weird feeling? Whenever I look at her, I'm having this feeling. Do I like her?" Kevin said to himself while eating. He starts to blush, covering himself with his cap for thinking too much of that matter. "Are you alright, you seem pale?" Yaena asked. "I'm fine, I'm-." he responded but suddenly stopped as Yaena touched his forehead to check if he had a cold. "You feel hot." Yaena said to him. Kevin did not respond as he blushed again. "Let's just take a selfie, you know for memories and stuff." Kevin changed the topic. "Sure, I mean why not." she responded. They took selfies and pictures of themselves before going home. When Yaena went home, she went towards her bedroom and started to scream in joy. "Kevin was so cute! Kevin is SO CUTE AHHHHH!" she screamed in her room while looking at the picture of Kevin she took. Then she had realized something. "Wait wait, did I call him hot while I checked if he had a cold?! AHHH I MEAN HE IS HOT FOR ME BUT AAAHHHH!!" she screamed again. She continued to blush while rolling on her bed. On the other hand, Kevin went home and went to his room. "Why is Yaena so cute a while ago? Why am I thinking too much of her?! I think I'm losing my mind." Kevin said to himself while scrolling on Instagram. While scrolling he saw a post of Yaena. "Yaena on makeup? Never seen this side of her." He keeps scrolling on her pictures. "Sh-she's cu-te..." said Kevin.

Part 3 (Together)

It was the last school day of that year. Everyone is happy that it's finally time for summer break. Everyone is happy including Yaena and Kevin. They both plan on hanging out together. Just the two of them because their friends have other plans. "What do you want us to do tomorrow on our hang out?" Kevin asked Yaena. "Well I guess we could watch a movie or play games." Yaena replied. As they talk about their plans of hanging out, one of their friends came to ask them both something. "Hey Jeonghan, how are you doing?" Kevin asked Jeonghan. "Nothing. I just want to ask both of you something." Jeonghan said. "Sure what is it?" asked Yaena. Then Jeonghan started to explain his question to them. "So um, I like this person and uh-" Jeonghan could not continue due to him being so nervous. "Well if you like someone, maybe ask if she would like to hang out with you." Kevin said. "Yeah, also try to know her better and maybe give her things like a letter. I like the feeling where I receive letters." Yaena added. Jeonghan took note of what they said and he nodded while Kevin took note that Yaena loves letters a lot. As Jeonghan left, Yaena and Kevin stared at each other with slightly red faces as they went on to hang out the next day. The next day came as they would meet near the fountain at a park. Yaena was there early so she waited. "It's been 10 minutes but he's still not here." Yaena said to herself as to why Kevin was late for their first hang out. Kevin meanwhile: "Oh no, oh no! I'm late, why did I wake up late?" Kevin frustrated at himself for not showing up on time. He finally arrived and Yaena was a bit disappointed. "You're late." Yaena said disappointedly. "I'm really sorry, I woke up late." Kevin apologized. Yaena just smiled as she pulled him to the entrance of the mall. "Shopping is kind of boring yet I want to see her interests though." Kevin said to himself as he and Yaena went shopping. The shopping lasted for an hour because of Yaena picking good clothes to wear. Because of that, she tests the outfits and lets Kevin be the judge. Kevin from being bored to getting to see Yaena in beautiful outfits. Kevin was blushing without Yaena even noticing. She's just enjoying wearing and testing different outfits yet Kevin, the judge, is like having nosebleeds. "Can she just buy all of the outfits? She's just too cute that she fits in any outfit." Kevin said to himself, rethinking that he spoke too soon about going shopping with Yaena. After the shopping, the two went home at Yaena's house. "My parents are away so keep yourself home Kevin." Yaena said. "Actually Yaena-" Kevin called Yaena, "I want you to call me Kev." Kevin continued. "Why? You don't like me calling you Kevin?" she asked. "No, because you're sort of special to me so why not call me something else" Kevin responded as he started to blush. "Well, how about I call you Moonke because it's funny HAHAHA?" she said to Kevin as he blushed more. "Mo-moonke?" Kevin asked shockingly. "That name is cute, calling you Moon is cute for me." Yaena answered. "Well- if it's okay with you then that's good for me." Kevin said with his face about to be full red that he asked Yaena where's the restroom. As he went to the restroom he said to himself, "Moonke, Moonke, WHAT A CUTE NAME!" He put his hands on his face as it finally went full red. "None of my friends nor my family have ever called me by that cute name. ONLY HER!" he continued to blush as he continued to think about it. He then went out towards the front of the house to play some badminton. "I'm not that good at badminton but I want to play with you." Yaena said with a short smile. "It's okay, lets just have a nice game to end our hang out." said Kevin. They played for almost an hour until they both got tired. Kevin won the game yet Yaena is still happy to see them play. "I forgot to tell you something. I'll be abroad starting next week until the end of summer break." Kevin said to her sadly. They both have sad expressions as they can't see each other for a long time. "Oh okay, we'll just message each other then." Yaena said. "Yeah, I'll see you soon." Kevin said as they high five each other. "Take care Moonke!" says Yaena as Kevin starts to leave her house. They both smiled because of the good day they had yet inside, they both wished that day had lasted longer.

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