The Present

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Part 1 (Surprise)

As the summer break is coming to an end, this is where the love story between Yaena and Kevin begins as we are now in the present time. Kevin had arrived back home a week before vacation ended. Yaena did not know as she didn't get to message Kevin because she was having fun with her friends. She is having fun with Hoshi, Shua, Jeonghan, Gayeon, Juwu, and more. As that day was about to end, Yaena was biking with Gayeon to meet with a friend at the park. "When will he arrive by the way?" Mau asked as she's trying to keep up the conversation. Yaena stayed quiet and Mau was kind of irritated. "Are you okay?"Gayeon asked with a kind of irritated tone. Yaena stopped as Gayeon started to worry. "What's the matter? Did you both fight or something?" Gayeon asked again. "I don't know. I'm just worried." Yaena said. "I know you have a crush on him but he'll be fine." Gayeon said as they began to start to bike again. As they arrived at the park they saw Eunho and Jeonghan were there, texting someone. "Are you sure this is a good plan Eunho?" asked Jeonghan. "Well it's him who said that we should do this surprise to Yaena." Eunho replied as they stopped because the two girls were walking towards them. "What are you guys talking about?" Gayeon asked as the two boys who both looked suspicious. "No-nothing." said Jeonghan as he blushed in front of Gayeon. Gayeon was confused on why Jeonghan is kind of turning red. "It's nothing Gayeon, really." said Eunho as Yaena and Gayeon were really confused. "Oh well, is Kevin back yet? It looks like you both are chatting with someone?" Yaena said as the two boys whispered to one another. "They might know about the surprise. We should bail." Eunho said as they both made an excuse to not talk about what they chatted. "It's just Mark, he's asking for help in creating some raps." Jeonghan said as both him and Eunho were really nervous of them finding out about the surprise. "Oh okay. Can you say hi to him for us?" Gayeon asked the favor. They four of them went to buy some snacks. Later in the afternoon, as Yaena was really missing Kevin, Eunho and Jeonghan asked the two girls to follow them. "Where are we going?" asked Yaena. "Trust us, you will be surprised Yaena." Eunho replied. The four went on back to Yaena's house. The two girls were confused and they saw a boy standing in front of the house. "Who's that?" Yaena asked really curiously. As they went closer, Yaena started to blush. "Mo-Moonke?!" Yaena shouted in shock and happiness to see Kevin back in town. "Hi Yaena!" Kevin shouted back as he gave her a hug that she'll remember. Eunho, Jeonghan, and Gayeon were just watching them hugging each other. "I really missed you bestie." Kevin said as he gave her a crescent shaped key chain. Yaena was in tears of joy as she continued to tight Kevin more. "Thank you Mo-Moonke, I missed you too." Yaena said as Kevin asked, "Let's hang out tomorrow. I'll introduce you to some new games to play." Kevin said with a happy face as Yaena blushed and smiled back. A happy reunion of the two who both know they are best friends yet doesn't know that they are in love with each other.

Part 2 (A date?!)

It was a sunday morning and it was the day before the end of their summer break. The group of friends, namely the following: Gayeon, Yaena, Eunho, Juwu, Mark, Jeonghan, Shua, Kevin, Hoshi, and many more. They are a really big group of friends. They all hang out at a pizzeria, eating their own favorite pizza flavors. "Why do I have to pay for half of this with Younghoon?" asked Haruto with Younghoon as he was late for the hang out. "Well you both were late and that's our agreement." said Jeonghan but stopped for a little as Gayeon came to him to ask a favor. "Can you order another pizza?" asked Gayeon as Jeonghan quickly replied, "Sure my treat." with a blushy smile. Gayeon nodded with a smile as Haruto was really confused. "I thought we were going to pay?" Haruto quickly asked. "I'm going to pay just for that pizza, the rest is yours to pay." said Jeonghan as he seated, he started to blush. They really had a good time yet Kevin wanted to invite Yaena to his house. "Want to play in my house? You know, play games and just have fun because tomorrow is our first day of class again." Kevin asked as he started to blush in front of her. "Sure su-sure..." Yaena replied as they both went to his house. They walked together, side by side. Their arms touched one another and they both blushed without each other knowing. As it was kind of getting dark, Yaena held on to Kevin because she was kind of scared of the darkness. Kevin was shocked. His face was full red as Yaena was scared. "This is like we are on a date?!" Kevin said to himself, still can't stop blushing from Yaena hugging his shoulder because of her fear. When they were close to Kevin's house, it started to rain. They had no umbrella and were forced to run and rush to the front door. They were soaking wet because the rain had suddenly poured. As they both entered, Yaena was blushing as she knew Kevin could see her inside clothes. That's why Kevin is not looking at her and was blushing hard. "Yo-you should cha-change yo-your clothes Ya-Yaena..." Kevin stuttered as he saw kind of too much. "Ye-yeah maybe I s-should." Yaena replied stuttering as well as they both went into different rooms and changed. As they both went out of the rooms they used, they both kind of blushed again. They both see each other as cute. They both want to confess yet they are both scared of rejection. They are both not ready to confess their feelings as they have no confidence and are both shy. They both think that the other just considers him or her as a best friend. They both blushed and looked away for a bit. "Yaena-" Kevin sparked their conversation as Yaena became too shy to talk. "Let's play some games while you are still here-" Kevin said as he accidentally stumbled and pushed Yaena to the floor. Both of them were blushing like they have a fever. As they are both looking at each other, laid down on the floor because of Kevin's stumble, Kevin finds himself on top of Yaena as they both continue to blush more and also nearly kiss lips to lips. "Mo-Moonke you-u are on m-me..." Yaena said nervously and with a big blush on her face as Kevin stood up and apologized. "I-I'm sorry-..." Kevin quickly apologized as they both stood up. They just did not care for that for that time being and proceeded to play the games. While playing they could not talk to each other properly, they could not get close to each other that much that time as because of the accident. On their minds it's like 'Why did that happen?' and at the same time 'I wish maybe the accident that happened took a little while longer'. As Yaena was about to leave, Kevin said "Thank you Yaena, I really had a great time." "Me too, thank you." Yaena replied as they both gave an awkward smile. The accident is still on their minds as they continue to live their next days. "OMGG WHAAATT KEVIINNN ACCKKK, what happened what?!" Yaena screamed while biting her pillow in her house as she could not handle the embarrassment. "I got so close to Yana- Yaena!? AAAAAAHH, awkward yet great day!?" Kevin screamed in his room as he could not stop blushing. The next day is their first day in fourth year high school. That day was a big hit and a great at the same time an embarrassing memory for both of them as they go back to school the next day. The end of the summer break but the start of something new.

Part 3 (Return)

It's already the next day as it was back to school. Before going into their classrooms, the group of friends came together for a short while to have some talks before class began. "Where's Yaena and Kevin?" asked Mark as the group got a little worried for both of them. As Yaena and Kevin arrived, they both still felt awkward because of the accident the previous night. They all went to their classrooms but to the two, Yaena and Kevin, were surprised that they are classmates again. Even if their atmosphere is kind of awkward, they are still happy that they are classmates again. They both find seats yet almost all the seats are full except for two seats that are vacant and that are beside each other. So not only are they classmates but also seatmates. They both sat as they still have this awkward atmosphere around the two of them. Since the teacher is still not there for the class yet, Yaena started a conversation with Kevin. "Hi um how are you today Moonke?" asked Yaena as the two are still in an awkward situation. "I'm fine." Kevin replied as they went into a short silence. They talked about their lives afterwards but the teacher came in before Kevin could say something important to her. "I want to tell you something..." Kevin said. "Okay what is it?" Yaena asked. "I'll just tell you later, the teacher is already here." Kevin said as Yaena just nodded and both had fun on their first day back at school. After school, Yaena went to Kevin because she's still curious about what he wants to tell her. "I wonder what he wants to say to me?" Yaena asked herself as she gets more curious every minute. As she found Kevin, sitting down on a bench near the entrance of the school, she sat beside him. "So what do you want to say to me Moonke?" Yaena asked as Kevin suddenly blushed as Yaena thought of conclusions of what he's going to say. "Is this a confession?!" Yaena thought as Kevin started to speak. "Yaena- I'm sorry for what happened yesterday..." Kevin said as he looked straight down at the floor, feeling bad for himself. "Why are you saying sorry? It's just an accident so it's okay." Yaena responded as she gave him a hug. The awkward atmosphere disappeared as their love started to grow more and more each day. They would hang out the next day with Mark, Jeonghan, and Mau as they will be practicing for a performance project for the next week.

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