Far Away

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Part 1 (Starting To Go Away)

Kevin went back home to start packing up to go abroad with his family. They are going to South Korea for the whole summer break to relax. His family was ready to go and pack hours later. On the other hand though, Kevin was not that happy as he wants to spend more time with someone who he likes, who he loves. He does love his family yet he also loves Yaena deep inside. "I would have some more time with her this summer yet this family outing just got planned out of nowhere. I had already planned and scheduled some hang outs with Yaena but my family just suddenly ruined it." Kevin said to himself while packing up his stuff. He brings down all of his packed up things to the back of the car. "Wait, it's still early." Kevin said as he realized his family has not packed yet and it means it's still a little early. "What am I doing? It's still early..." Kevin said as a girl approached him from behind. Kevin looked back and it was Yaena who was behind him. "Thank goodness I still caught up to you." said Yaena as she was ready to give him something. "Here I made this because I got bored a while ago." she said as she gave him a bracelet to wear. "For me? Wow uhm, it's cute-" Kevin said while they are staring at each other. "The reason why I planned our hang out before was to have some moments before I leave." Kevin said as he sat down sadly, looking down at the floor. "I will miss you, like really miss you Yaena." Kevin said to her as Yaena began to sit beside him. "I will miss you too." Yaena responds as she hugs him. Both of them blushed and Yaena said, "Have fun out there okay, let's just message each other or even go into voice calls if you want?" Yaena said as she continued to hug him. Kevin nodded as he needed to help his family to start packing again. Yaena also needed to go back home to rest for a while. Both of them needed each other, both of them are happy with each other, both of them will miss each other.

Part 2 (Away From Each Other)

Kevin and his family took flight from Canada. Kevin was looking at the window. He was looking down at the lands he sees as he will have a long journey in their summer outing. He wore the bracelet Yaena gave him as to be comfortable away from the country. Meanwhile Yaena is just laying on her bed, doing nothing as she starts to remember how she met Kevin. She knows to herself that she misses him already. She messaged him, hoping to get a reply from him. While waiting she goes outside to roam around the park. She sat down at a bench, eating ice cream because of the hot weather. "I hope Moon will be happy traveling." Yaena said to herself while finishing her ice cream. She started to walk home on a boring day as she would say. But Yaena heard her name from behind. It was someone calling her. "Yaena, hi!" she heard from behind. When she looked back, it was Hoshi who was calling her. "Hoshi?" Yaena asked. "Hi! It's been a long time." Hoshi said. "Anyways do you want to have fun or hang out?" Hoshi asked. At this point Yaena was just about to go home but she reconsidered. "Sure. I don't have anything to do so I'll hang out." Yaena replied as the both of them got some cotton candy. As they sat beside each other, one of Hoshi's friends came in. "Yow Hosh!" a shout from the distance as it was Shua. "Eyow Shua, why did you stumble here?" Hoshi asked jokingly as the two friends randomly laughed. Yaena was just sitting there thinking, "Why did they just suddenly laugh?" She was weirded out yet she also feels like laughing with them. They then walk back to the fountain at the park. They would greet each other goodbye as it was almost night. Yaena had a fun time with an old friend as she goes to bed and receives a text from Kevin, "Take care Yaena, I'm now in Korea lmao. Just have fun and we can talk anytime maybe." Yaena then rolled on her bed and blushed a little as she got the reply from him.

Part 3 (Unexpected)

It was a week past as Kevin was still having fun in Korea and chats Yaena from time to time. It was like Yaena with him but not. Yaena also hangs out with Hoshi and Shua as they would be close throughout the summer break. In the middle of the summer, the three friends were walking at the park. While Yaena was buying some drinks, Hoshi and Shua were talking about something secret. "So when will you confess?" asked Shua. "Ugh um I don't know..." replied Hoshi as he started to blush. They were talking about it for a while until Yaena came back earlier than expected. "I'm back lol." Yaena said as she laughed at them being weird at their bench. They started eating the breads and ice creams Yaena ordered. Hoshi was still kind of blushing as he sat beside Yaena, who he has a crush on. It was almost night that they when Shua left to go get ready for video games. It was Hoshi and Yaena, the two of them alone sitting on the bench. "Yaena..." Hoshi said nervously. "Yeah?" Yaena replied as she was sitting calmly on the bench. "I want to tell you something, or confess something..." Hoshi said as Yaena snapped out of her relaxing state. "Yaena... I- I like you..." Hoshi finally confessed. His face went red all of a sudden as Yaena was surprised. She doesn't know what to say, what to reply, what to respond. She has a crush on Kevin, in which she obviously doesn't know he has a little crush on her too. She hesitates if she would instantly reject or wait for more days to think, even if it's obvious she would say no she doesn't want to see Hoshi in pain after rejection. "Hoshi~ I'm sorry but I like someone else." Yaena finally decided to reject him now as she knows she already decided long ago to love Kevin even if it would hurt her or not. "I'm really sorry~" Yaena said once again as the atmosphere became cold and windy. It's like it's about to rain as the clouds are starting to get darker and darker. Hoshi was sad yet he didn't cry though. He knew that he had to endure a lot of pain. "I had a crush on you since we were little and only this summer I got to be close with you." said Hoshi in a very sad tone. He's like holding back his tears, as Yaena started to notice she talked to him. "I'm really sorry but I don't want to see you in pain though. It was hard for me to reject you because you are a nice person yet I like someone else." Yaena continued, "Don't hold back, seeing you suffer is hard." As Hoshi could not handle the pain, he started to cry in tears of his painful rejection. Yaena comforted her as she said, "I'll be with you forever though, don't worry. I'm your best friend and I'm happy to be close with you." "Thanks..." said Hoshi as that's all he can say at that moment but he was grateful to have met her and used her as an inspiration to him. At the end Hoshi was still happy to be with Yaena as they will be forever best friends. They all walked home and spent their last weeks of summer relaxing at their homes.

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