
189 42 63

Your love was like liquor, burned like a fire in my soul. Who would've known it would be your killer.


The music pounds in his ears. A deep throb wracks either side of his skull. He lets out a pained groan, scratching the side of his head as he lumbers forward. The cool midnight air caresses his bare skin, the trees rustling in the light breeze.

Colourful splotches dance in his vision. The trees sway like dark, drunken silhouettes. He clamps the sides of his head. God, why is the music so loud? He thinks, seeing colours flashing - exploding like fireworks in the night sky.

The ground wavers beneath him.

He lurches forward, steadying himself before he can collapse. Everything whirls around him, shuddering with each step.

It won't stop.

He presses down harder.

The silver sea of grass disappears as he staggers onto the cold pavement, a dark but bright object flashing by with a woosh. He squeezes his eyes shut, willing the pain to go away.

He blinks frantically. "Just walk it off." He murmurs to himself as he stumbles forward, his eyelids threatening to fall.

Just... walk... it... off.

His heart hammers against his chest. He forces his eyes open, just as a bright light flashes before him. There's a screech. He hears the slam before it hits.

Everything blacks out. 

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