Chapter Twenty Six

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I can't believe it. And I don't know whether my heart is pounding because I'm pissed, panicking or excited. Maybe all three, somehow. Regardless, I pick up my pace, frantically scanning my house and her car, which is tinted. Is she in there or in my house? Frowning, I speed past her car, and nope, she's definitely not there. Which is good because otherwise she would've seen me gawking at her like a red-faced idiot, and it gives me a few moments to brace myself.

It's also bad because she's in my house. With my Dad. Talking. My heart only races faster. Shit, I think as my stomach knots and twists and drops and flips all at once. What if she's telling him everything?


Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, I think with each frenzied step I take to my front door. My hands tremble as I knock. Shit, breathe. Breathe. For fucks sake, breathe. Today was supposed to be easy. A relief. Nothing like this. Anything but this.

The door creaks as it swings open.


Dad beams at the sight of me. "Hey, hon, how was your day?" he asks, putting on his we-have-visitors-smile that makes his eyes light up enough so you can't see the bags. "Your friend is here, by the way. Sadie. About some homework," he adds, stepping aside to let me in. "Second friend now."

But I'm not listening. All I can see is Sadie. In my house. Standing a bit away from him with a sweet, acting-as-if-nothing-happened smile. But a lot happened - everything. And the worst of it. My feet guide me inside, on autopilot because the rest of me is malfunctioning. "Hi, Dad," I say as lightly as I can manage. "Hi, Sadie."

God, could you give anything more away? A career in acting definitely not on the list.

She has her hands clasped in front of her, and gives a little wave. And somehow an even sweeter, wider smile. "Hey!"

Smile. Smile! I force my lips upright. "So, the homework?" Why couldn't you have said it at school? Why now? But I obviously don't say that. And can't - not in front of Dad.

The smile seems to jump off her face. "Right," she replies, a beat too slow. The smile appears again. "It's in my car. I'll show you."

And she hurries out the door.

Dad gives me a grim smile as I dump my bag and follow after her. Like he can sense my annoyance. He reluctantly closes the door. If only he knew. Except it's better he doesn't, and I honestly don't even know what I feel right now. Mostly shock. Or disbelief. So much so that I can't even think. I come to a stop at the curb where her car is parked as she hops in around the other side. What is she doing?

Sadie plops down in the drivers seat, staring at me through the dark windows. Expectantly.

Oh, I realise. Shit I'm dumb. There isn't any homework - I knew that. With a deep sigh, I pull open the passenger door and slide in, slamming it shut. I don't mean to. It might underline my annoyance, though. Or whatever it is that's tangling inside of me.

She leans over, and I recoil. My cheeks redden when I realise she's pulling open the glove department. Keep your cool.

"Here," Sadie says, chucking a piece of paper in a clear blue slip to me.

I eye her cautiously as I pull it out. "What is it?"

She stares at me, slouched against the car door, knees propped up near her chest. "Just read it." She insists, giving away absolutely nothing.

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