Chapter Three

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The last warning bell rings. He slows to a stop, his hands now in the pockets of his jeans. I stop for a moment, taking in his face; the sharpness of his cheekbones and how his tousled black hair frames them.

His mouth melts into a warm grin. "Well, here's your class."

I give him an uneasy smile, tapping the edges of the books I clutch against my chest. "Thanks."
I turn to go inside, but he takes a step forward.

"Hey, I know we just met and all, but if you're free after school, you should come to the park with me." He offers, glancing up at me with his alluring aquamarine eyes, bright against his warm ivory skin. 

I nod slowly, a real, genuine smile forming on my lips. I could almost feel a blush rise to my cheeks. "Sure."

He nods, still smiling, circling his foot at the floor before stepping back. "Cool, sounds good," he says, turning on his heel. "See you then."

I watch as he walks away.

A dull, crushing ache grips at my heart. I shake it off. The park. I have to go there. I might be able to hide.

I hear their footsteps behind me. Gaining.

I fight the urge to glance over my shoulder. Do they know that I know they're following me? I let out a shaky breath, trying to at least look calm. Forcing my shoulders back and holding my chin a little higher, I march on.

But my dread urges my shoulders to curl.

Maybe they're just messing with me. Some stupid, harmless joke.

They laugh. Closer. Louder.

I flick my tongue across my lips and gulp, my throat suddenly raw. I grip either side of my bag straps as I hurry forward, anticipation causing my muscles to twitch and tighten. I feel sick - like I'm going to hurl. If Alex was here, he'd protect me. One look and they'd scurry away. Even then, just knowing he was there... in my life... it made me stronger - knowing that if anything happened, even if I couldn't fight back, he'd be waiting with open arms.

But he isn't. Not now. Not anymore. Never again.

The same empty ache wrenches at my chest, but it evaporates as soon as I catch sight of the clearing. Thank - no, fuck you, god. Despite everything, the familiarity of the short-trimmed grass and set of swings with trees surrounding it - I feel safe. Or at least, closer to him.

Now I can turn the tables.

Adrenaline floods into my system - enough to make me look over my shoulder. At them. They're still coming, their eyes alight with amusement, lips spread in a grin. I almost find the courage to smirk.Try follow me now.

I tighten my bag straps in two quick jerks before bursting into a furious sprint, plunging into the tree line. I hear them shout behind me, their sneakers thundering against the pavement.

Twigs snap under my feet, dead leaves crunching, bare branches slashing the side of my face as I tear through the foliage. All I can hear is my heart hammering against my chest so hard I can barely breathe.

"Hey!" one of them cries. "Where are you?"

"Come out!"

"Yeah, we don't bite."

I skid to a stop. They've stopped. They'll be able to hear every movement I make.

Ever so slowly, I crane my head over my shoulder. I can just see them through the cracks in the leaves, standing by the treeline, scanning their surroundings.

Surely they must've seen me?

I mean, I'm glad they didn't. But really? I was right -

"I can see you, Jamsy."

A shudder runs down my spine. I let out a quiet gasp. "No, he can't." Can he? I'm too scared to move - to look over my shoulder. No, he's bluffing. The foliage is too thick.

"What is it, Jamsy? Scared -" his voice echoes through the trees, rattling inside my head. "Now that Alex isn't here to save you?"

My fists curl at my side, fear disintegrating into fury like rocks chipping away into a pool of lava. I can feel the heat simmering beneath my skin.

"Oh? Did I hit a nerve?" he continues to taunt, lingering around the treeline, poking his head around. "My bad. I just thought that a killer wouldn't be so sensitive. After all, it was your fault. How does that feel, hm? Knowing you killed your lover boy?"

I can't help it. Something snaps inside of me - just like the twig beneath my feet as I whirl around.

They all look in my direction.

"Is that you, Jamsy? Coming out to play?" Jace teases, edging closer, peering through.

My knuckles turn white with strain. I could pick them off. One by one. Let them know what pain really is. But I couldn't - even though I want to so badly.

They're a pack of hungry wolves and I'm the helpless hare.

I have to find a way out of here - of this. But how? Chances are, they're faster than me. And stronger. The only advantage I have is that I'm more cunning.

I glance around, searching for an escape. Or a leverage. That's it. A tree. They won't be able to see me.

"Start looking through the bush," Jace orders. "She can't have gone far."

My heart catches in my throat. Shit.

They start trudging in from all angles, breaking twigs and stomping on dead leaves. Ever so slowly, I bend down and grab a stone. They still can't see me. Not yet. With shaky hands, I clutch the stone and launch it into another bush. They all freeze.

"What are you standing there for?" Jace cries. "Go!"

They charge towards that direction, tearing through the rough terrain. I gasp quietly, every cell in my body screaming at me to run.

I glance over my shoulder before hauling myself up into the nearest tree, clutching onto the thick and strong branches as I clamber my way up. My chest is rising and falling with quick, ragged breathes. I need to calm down, I tell myself as I perch on the branch, gripping onto others for support. Breathe. 

"Where'd she go?" Jace demands, anger rising in his voice.

They group together, eyes scanning all around.

He shoves one of his friends. "Seriously?" he snarls. "Can you guys do anything right? You got outsmarted by a girl."

The one he shoved, a tall boy with rustic brown hair and soft sandy skin curses under his breath. "Why are we even following this chick anyway? What'd she do?"

Jace clenches his teeth hard enough that his jaw sticks out. "Not her, him. You know what he did."

My brows draw together. Alex? What'd he do? Tears sting my eyes. To think I could have a decent day. I watch as they reluctantly turn around, disappearing onto the side walk and out of view. I can finally breathe, but it comes out shaky. Though not as much as my hands. 

I hate feeling so weak. Vulnerable. He always made me feel strong. Protected. Now I'm not. I climb out of the tree and make my way back to the park. It's empty. Like always. I feel drawn to it, like I might find comfort. Solace. Anything.

I walk over, sitting down on the swing. I wait for Alex to gently nudge me so I go soaring into the sky, until my laughter dissolves into the air.

But he doesn't. He can't.

He's up there without me, and I'm stuck down here. 

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