Chapter Fourteen

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I don't know whether to text first or not. He did say to just show up, so I should do that. But... I also need to text Sadie later. Emphasis on the later - I can only handle so much anxiety and overthinking at once. It's now or never. I push up off my stomach and get onto my feet, grabbing my jumper hanging from the door knob.

Shrugging it on, I make my way downstairs. Nugget hovers at the bottom, staring up at me with his big, brown puppy eyes. "Hey bud." I ruffle the top of his furry head.

"Where are you off to?"

I look up to see Dad on the couch, newspaper in hand. Since when does he read the newspaper? "Oh," I say, but shit, what do I say? Nugget laps his tongue over my hand. "I'm just gonna take Nugget to the park or something." Great, I think as I wipe his slobber onto my jeans. I forgot I have to walk there.

It's not too far away, though.

Dad turns his attention back to his newspaper. "Have fun, then. Don't be out too late."

Grating my tongue against my teeth, I grab Nugget's lead and clip it on, leading him out the door. The cool evening air nips at my cheeks. I let out a sharp sigh. Why did I say that? Now I have to drag a dog along, which I'm pretty sure isn't even allowed. It seemed better than explaining I was going to meet up with some random boy I've never mentioned until now, especially this late.

I start walking down the path, with Nugget lolling his tongue at my heels. It's gonna be a long walk, I think, shoving my spare hand into my pocket. At least he's happy about it - and I'm getting my answers.

He lunges for his neck, toppling him to the floor. "Hey boy, not cool -"

"Oh my god," I say, covering my 'o' shaped mouth as Nugget stands on top of Alex, furiously licking his face. He erupts into laughter as if he's being tickled, trying to swat him away. "Aw, he's giving you kisses." I tease with a widening grin, sitting safely on the couch.

Alex cranes his neck away from Nugget's slavered tongue. "Shut up -" he groans, clambering to his feet.

Or trying to.

The door bell rings. I glance up, just as Mary marches down the stairs. "Now, what's all this racket," she remarks. "Are you not going to get the door, Alex? Goodness." She breathes, stepping over him and Nugget.

I suppress a chuckle. Shame, I think as he sits upright, wiping the side of his cheek.

He shakes his head at me. "Shut up."

I shrug. "I didn't say anything."

His mother opens the door, and we both turn to see an all too familiar face. Oh god.

"Sadie, hi," Mary says, whatever unpleasant wrinkles were in her expression melting into a warm smile. "It's nice to see you! Come in, dear."

She smirks from under her dark eyelashes. "Hi, thank you, Mrs. Reagan."

She ushers Sadie inside. "Call me Mary, dear. No need for formalities." She adds as she closes the door, already scuttling back upstairs.

Alex rises to his feet, not taking his eyes off her. "Uh, hi."

I remain on the couch, giving her a slight 'sup before averting my gaze.

Sadie's sharp blue-green eyes barely brush over me. She stands before Alex with crossed arms. "So what's she doing here?" again, her deadpan face says.

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